2:02 AM

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"Yoongi?" Jimin yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"Y-You're Jimin?" Yoongi asked, clearly confused.

"Yeah, are you drunk?" Jimin squints.

"N-No!" Yoongi denies.

"Get in here," Jimin pulls him in. "it's like 2 in the morning, what are you doing here?"

"I-I don't know," Yoongi admits. "I-I j-just walked h-here f-for no r-reason," he hiccuped. "D-Did I m-make you u-upset?" Yoongi begins to cry.

"No, no," Jimin pulls him into a hug.

"I-I know I m-make people upset," he cries. "I-I just want to r-remember! Th-That's all!" Yoongi cried.

"I understand, I understand," Jimin tried to calm him down. "it's not your fault for wanting to remember. It's totally okay,"

"R-Really?" Yoongi looked up with hopeful eyes.

"Really," Jimin nodded. He yawned, looking away.

"Can-Can I s-stay for th-the rest of th-the night?" Yoongi pouts.

"Fine," Jimin led them into his room.

"Th-Thank you," he slurred.

"Why did you drink?" Jimin pushes him onto the bed.

"I-I don't know. I-I felt frustrated. A-All I want is to r-remember," Yoongi lefts a few tears slip.

"Don't cry," Jimin rubbed his back.

"I-I can't h-help it," Yoongi attached himself onto Jimin. "y-you're warm," he mumbles.

Jimin smiled sadly, remembering the time he was sick and produced lots of body heat. He remembers how Yoongi cuddled with him since he was so warm. He chuckles a little, realizing how they used to cuddle. Usually, it'd be Yoongi holding Jimin. Now, it's Jimin holding Yoongi.

Heading soft snores emit from the older, he looks down to see his peaceful facial expression. He smoothed the creases along his forehead, pressed a reassuring kiss.

"Why am I missing you so much although you're beside me?"

9:16 PM ↦ yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now