Feeling me more than bigger.

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Hey! I'm trying to do something in english cuz is like a practic for me, n' i'm actualy thinking in english (it's not intentionally ikr) so untientionally think this words in english.

My original language is spanish, so please be pantience with me. Tbh, idk all i'm writing in spanish, so don't wait so much from my words in english. :v

When i feel small,
just wanna be more than small,
but not in any way,
with this art.
To be so small you could be more than giant,
just feeling that
feeling how tiny am i
feeling how i really am
feeling such a giant dreaming be small,
feeling such a little and insignificant thing,
thinking that them are more than bigger.
It is exactly i am feeling
or maybe something
like that.

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