Harry is asked to be a seeker

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" Harry. Professer mcGonagall told me about you being the new seeker for griffindore. By the way you are the youngest seeker. Although it does run through your blood " I tell him not, he looks at me questionably. " how? " he asks, I lead him to a glass, and show him. " your father won the championships for griffindore. " I tell him, Harry stares at the glass with happiness. " I knew your father Harry. He was a good man. I'd met him once or twice. But he was good. I met all his friends and your mother. You have her eyes. " I tell him, he looks at me then at the glass. " it's not you Harry who Snape hates. It's your father. " I tell him, he looks at me shocked. " your father in Hogwarts wasn't always the nicest person Harry. Maybe you can change that " I tell him and walk away.

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