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Why are girls faced with so many things that would make us insecure? We always compare ourselves to skinny ass girls on magazines whose body is photoshopped. And guys can't realize those bodies don't exist and they try to find it on a real girl when there is no girl who naturally look like that. And they miss all the good girls who try and love themselves they can't because they are rejected because they don't have that "perfect" body.

Not just that we are expected less of than guys. Back in the olden days we weren't supposed to have jobs. Even now women pro women sports players make less than the guys just because they are less popular. Like when I was young the guys always they said that they were stronger than us. I think they still have this idea in the back of their heads when my best friends and I can easily take down half of the guy population in our class. There is only 3 of us.

We aren't doubted by men it is by everyone. One of my mom's favorite show, Bull, points this out. There was a woman pilot who was on trial. They tried it with the mirror jury and every time they had the actual pilot out they said that she was guilty, but Dr. Bull dressed up as the pilot and went out. The jury found him not guilty. The only reason that was is because the pilot was MALE! There were women on that jury.

You are beautiful. Perfect. Wonderful. In your own way don't let anyone tell you different. The reason there are haters is because they think you are better than them and they think that being mean to you will make them better than you when it doesn't.

Thank you for reading. If you have any topics that I should write about or have any comments about what I wrote about send me a message or comment.
June Taylor :)

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