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        The bolded parts of this section is by my best friend MGAU12.

        I guess the reason June wanted me to write about this was because she doesn't have any other friends that can. And, in all honesty, I have no idea what she wants me to write about, so I'm just going to go for it.

        If you're dating someone that you really like, I guess the first few days are just... complete euphoria. It's like no other feeling. I don't  know why, but seem to think that (if you're insecure) all of your insecurities will go away in the snap of a finger. I can't understand why, that would be the least bit logical. Insecurities aren't things to play with. They don't go away because love exists. If anything, they become even more of a problem.

        I'm not trying to say that dating is a bad thing. I'm just trying to tell you not to overestimate it. When you expect too much in a relationship, it's like dropping a cement block on a balloon. Too much pressure, and it'll pop. Underestimating dating is like dropping paper on a balloon, these examples, the balloon is the relationship. If you do either you are screwed.

        It isn't just dating the right person. My first boyfriend was head over heels in love with me but I didn't feel the same why. Before we started dating I was very insecure but when we started dating that all went away. He called me beautiful and I believed him. After I dumped him all my insecurities came back.

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