Harley and Ivy: The Joker's Last Beating

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Poison Ivy was finishing her research for the day. She had made huge strides to bring back a plant that was almost extinct. She was heading to her bed when the door opened. Ivy gasped, not only as there an intruder, but it was -5 degrees outside. Her tropical plants could freeze to death. The door closed and a figure stumbled into the room. Ivy used her control of plants to bring vines up through the dirt floor and grab the intruder's wrists. The person let out a quiet groan of pain. Ivy turned the lights on, revealing Harley Quinn, she had the vines release Harley's wrists.

"H...hey Red" she said weakly.

Ivy gasped as she took in the sight. Despite the cold, Harley was only wearing a red tee shirt and black underwear. She was shivering with frozen tears on her face. One of her blond pigtails was still up, the other was down against her head. Both of her eyes were blackened. Her nose was obviously broken and there was frozen blood below it and at the corner of her mouth. Most of her face was bruised. There were distinct hand marks around her throat. The shirt was torn revealing more cuts and bruises. Her left shoulder was dislocated and her arm was hanging uselessly by her side. Her legs were covered in bruises and cuts. Her right knee was swollen and her bare feet were red and covered in cuts and ice.

"What the hell happened?!" Ivy asked still in shock.

"M...me and Mistah J were p...pullin' a bank job" Harley said "I...I took too lo...long to open th...the safe and the c...cops showed up. As we r...ran I tripped and spilled m...most a' the m...money. We only m...made it out with five hundred d...dollars. He acted l...like he wasn't mad at f...first; but when I w...went to bed, he jumped on me and s...started to beat me. When I tried t...to fight b...back he pulled my arm out of...of socket. He threw m...me out in the snow with a g...gun pointed at me and said if I...I come back this time he'll sh...shoot me, I'm done w...with him anyway. I...I'm not askin' to stay R...Red. I've caused ya enough t...trouble over the years, comin' here for a f...few days taking advantage of ya k...kindness and then just l...leaving. I j...just want to borrow some sh...shoes and a coat."

"Absolutely not" Ivy said "I'm not going to let y-"

"I...I understand Red" Harley said as she turned to leave.

"Harley wait" Ivy said as she grabbed her right arm "I was trying to say I'm not going to let you leave. You're staying here. If you're really done with that psychotic clown you're welcome to move in with me. If not, stay until you're better."

"Y...ya mean it, R...Red?" Harley asked.

"Of course" Ivy said.

"I...I'm done with h...him for good" Harley said "aftah to...tonight he can r...rot in hell for all I...I care."

"Let me take care of your shoulder" Ivy said "I might need to cut your shirt off."

"O...ok" Harley said.

Ivy grabbed a pair of scissors and cut the ripped shirt off, revealing more bruises. She slowly moved Harley's arm up into position and popped it back into place. Harley let out a loud groan and gritted her teeth.

"I'm sorry Harl" Ivy said.

"It's fine" Harley said.

The frozen blood and tears were starting to melt and run down her face.

"Come on" Ivy said "let's get you cleaned up."

Harley tried to limp to the bathroom, but her right knee almost gave out with the first step. Ivy quickly caught her and put Harley's right arm over her shoulder and helped her to the bathroom. Ivy began running a hot bath, making sure it wouldn't burn her.

Harley and Ivy: The Joker's Last BeatingWhere stories live. Discover now