The new pup

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The new pup Jake was soo HOT!! He changed his shirt in the parking lot by his car And I saw he had ripping abs and muscles flexed every time he moved and his back, oh don't get me aroused. ohh I couldn't take my eyes off him. He caught me staring and I blushed a little. It made me wander what his wolf looked like. Too bad he doesn't even know he's a wolf.
He put his shirt back on and I approached him. "Hi, I'm Erica"
"Hi Erica, I'm Jake, but I bet you already knew that?" He said rudely
I said " actually I didn't but nice to meat you."
"Really? Nice to meet me? That's all you got? I watched you stare at me for the last 30 minutes. And that's all you have to say?"
" honestly no you wanna know what I have to say? You're rude, intolerable, disgusting tone just cost you a tour guide" I yelled at him. "Asshole" I mumbled as I walked away.
He said " look I'm sorry, I was just trying to have a little fun seems I've pissed you off so fun over!!" He smiled
I looked down and said "not funny"
"So do I still have a tour guide or?" He questioned me
" yea... but only because you're H-O-T." I spelled out.
He chuckled and looked at my ass as I walked away.
"Hey buddy eyes above the belt"
He raised his hand in surrender and as I walked away he looked again.
I just ignored it as I grabbed his hand to hurry inside so we wouldn't be late for class.
For his first class I showed him would be down the hall on the left third to last door. His first hour room just happened to be his seventh hour too along next to mine!
" okay wait for me here after the first bell. I'll be here shortly after but it might take me a little while since I'm a little ways away."
"Okay, miss boss"
"Don't call me that"
"I'll call you what I want"
"Mmhm whatever, just wait ok?"
I wait as he nodded and agreed.
After first hour was over I met up with him as I said and tried to show him his second period but he was showering over me like I was some hooker on the way there. He grabbed my ass and made me mad.
"Okay look if I'm going to be your tour guide you need to learn one thing," I pinned him up on the locker with one arm behind his back, " im not a hooker, you can't just grab my ass and look me all over. Got it?" All eyes were on me. I felt hot headed.
He said uh huh and I let him go.
"Damn girl you got some strength on you!"
I thought to myself, yea but only because my father was alpha and his blood is in me.
"Yea well I needed self defense for ass holes like you" I shrugged my shoulders and gave a fake smile.
" your chariot awaits mr.ass"
"Thanks you miss boss"
"I told you not to call me that" still smiling.
"Bye, see you in a hour"
So for the rest of the day I showed him his classes and my alpha watched closely and mind linked me a couple times letting me know I was doing good and that he'll talk to me later about the locker incident.
After school he met up with me as I walked out. After all it's finally break.
"I was wandering.." he waited a couple seconds before I broke the silence.
"Spit it out ass hole"
" I was wandering if you could show me around town?"
"After today? No way in hell!"
" please.." he begged " I need to get away from my adopted fam and go have some actual fun."
"And that's my problem how?"
"It's not I just figured you wanted some fun." He pleaded some more until I gave in.
" fine I'll show you"
He thanked me as he hopped in my jacked up truck.
I sensed my alpha trying to mind link me but I put a barrier up because I knew he would disapprove. Especially when we were kinda on sexual terms.

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