Meeting Kurama

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I don't own Naruto or the characters. All rights belong to Masashi Kishimoto. Well have fun and enjoy.


Naruto's P.O.V.


"You disgrace

"Demon child"

"You should've died instead of them"

'Why? Why? Why do they hate me, beat me up, call me names, and say that I should of died? I'm only a three year old child so why are they saying these things and treating me like this?' I thought to myself, while running from a mob of villagers who wanted to beat me up and maybe even kill me. Just then I turned a corner and walked into a dead end.

"Oh looks like the little fox decided to give in and let us beat him up." One of the men said that was in the mob. Just as he said that, one of the ninjas that was also in the group started passing out kunai's to the first people he saw in the mob. The people with the kunai's started stabbing me all over then the ones who didn't have kunai's started punching me in the gut. When the finally finished I started to black out.

No ones P.O.V.

When Naruto finally woke up he noticed that he was in the sewers. 'Where am I? Am I dead?' He thought.

"You aren't dead kit."a mysterious voice said. Just then Naruto turned around and saw a gigantic fox behind bars.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked

"I'm kyuubi." Kyuubi said

"Kyuubi as in the nine tailed fox? That type of kyuubi?" Naruto asked

"Yes I am." Kyuubi said, hoping naruto wouldn't be mad or pissed and start yelling at him then it dawned on him "Wait how do you know who I am? Kyuubi asked.

"Its because people always called me a demon fox ever since I was born which was also the day that the nine tailed fox attacked the village, so I put and the two together. I am smarter than I look even though I'm only three." Naruto said

Naruto's P.O.V.

'I wonder why I have the kyuubi inside of me.' I thought to myself.

"The reason why I'm inside of you is because your father the late Yondaime Minato Namikaze sealed me inside of you when I escaped the seal that was placed on your mother Kushina Uzumaki and attacked the village." Kyuubi told me.

"Hold up. One how in kami's name did you answer what I was thinking and two why did you attack the village?" I asked.

"The reason why knew what you were thinking is because we are in your mindscape so I can hear your thoughts. As for the reason why I attacked the village well that's a long story which I do not have the time to tell because your about to wake up. I do have to say one more thing, when you wake up head home and pack your stuff up and head to the forest where you will live and train to become a shinobi." Kyuubi said.

" Wait before I leave I have two questions to ask. The first question is what is your name because I know that it's not Kyuubi and the second question is can I call you nii-san?" I asked.

"You are right Kyuubi is not my name, my name is Kurama. As for you calling me nii-san I'm ok with it as long as I can call you kit." Kurama said.

"Then it's a deal. Well bye nii-san." I said as he started to vanish.

"Bye kit I will talk to you later." Kurama said before I woke up.

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