Sink (The Big Four)

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A perfectly normal life for the Four teens. Rapunzel's family is known as the wealthiest one alive and they set sail on the Titanic. Jack was on the same trip to see his sister that was long awaited. Hiccup was on a trip to a prestige college. Merida is on a family vacation she didn't want.

They didn't know this will lead to a life changing adventure.



As I adjust my dress and step out of my vehicle I look up at the magnificent ship. My eyes wander on it's well-built structure. I boredly look at it.

"Wonderful, isn't?" My mother asked, placing the umbrella over her shoulder. "It is the strongest and the most luxurious ship in the world." She says, delighted with an excited glint in her eyes.

"Yes, mother." I say.

"Well, in we go!" She says, fluffing her black, frizzy hair.

I sigh and dust off my pink blazer. "I'm coming, mother."


I slung my bag over my shoulder as I watch millions of passengers hug their companions goodbye and in with the ship they go. I turn to face my three brothers, cheeky little monsters...

"I ought ye three will be hittin' the kitchen?"

They nod. They aren't more of a speaker, more of men of action.

My blue eyes land on the water, and the cool breeze that whips my face cold.

"That's the last of it." Mum says. "Fergus, were going in now."

"Okay, just let me get my...AHA!" He got out his little spear. "Just to make sure, we don't want any creature disturbin' our dinner!"

"Dad..." I mutter.

"Wha'? Better safe than sorry, lassie."

I walk towards the guard, ticket in hand.


My bare feet hit the warm wood as I go. Holding my suitcase in one hand and a ticket in the other. Looking down on the ground, avoiding the glare of the scorching sun.

"Ticket." Demand the guard.

I look up to the guard that eyed me suspiciously. I hand him my ticket and he demand I open my suitcase.

'Just because I don't have shoes.' I think in my head, but open my suit case, exposing my everyday needs. Toothpaste, Towel, Clothes, the basic things.

"You're allowed, now."

I enter the ship, feeling the plush red carpet under my feet. I see glares that land on my feet, I didn't feel self-conscious one bit.


"Good luck, son." Dad says to me, giving me a nice pat on the back.

"Thanks dad." He hand me a suit case-that he held only with his finger-that made me jerk forward to it's heavy weight.

"Bye!" He waves off.

"All ABOARD!" The captain says.

I drag the bag instead of carrying it and practically throwing the ticket at the guard.

"Need some help, lad?" A girl voice chirped and a crunch sound came after.

Then she stood there, her hair as curly as ever, her blue eyes brighter that any spark of light, a cute button nose and light freckles that etched across her face.

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