Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


"Yeah, okay." I wave at Sandy; he crossed his arms and points at the dirty laundry of mine.

"Okay, touchy." I wave my hands up in surrender and started picking the laundry and putting it in the bin.

"Okay, I am not touching that. That is Nicolas'."

Sandy shook his head and pointed at the underwear. "No, Sandy."

He impatiently pointed at it once more.

"No. Ask Bunny to do it." I pouted. Sandy stared at me, eyes slightly burning with anger. I sigh, grab a tissue and held it by my thumb and index finger and threw it in the bin swiftly.

Sandy smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, rooms clean. Go back to sleep." I say, he nods and lies on the bed.

I walk outside and I hear the laughing of three Scottish lads. I look to the right and they were hiding under the desert cart. I call the man over, he stops and greets me. I peek under the cloth where the boys where hiding but they were gone.

"See ya later, Tom." I wave at him, he nods and walks away. As he moves, the boys appeared insight.

"Hey, guys." I wave, they waved back.

"Smuggled another cake from the bakery, huh?"

They over me a piece and I refuse. "Where's your sister?"

They pointed to the deck and made an impression of a fancy restaurant. I remembered Hiccup had a shift there. I should visit him.

I high fived them and walked to the dinner hall. I stopped quickly when I saw Merida and Rapunzel's company, too quickly that a waiter rammed into me.

"Ouch, man." I mumbled. I looked up at the waiter.

Oh, it was Hiccup.

"Hey," I waved. Hiccup glanced somewhere else and rushed rudely away.

"Hey, Merida, it's Jack! C'mere Jack!" Rapunzel stands and approaches me. She holds my hand and smiles. I smiled back and she tugs me to the table.

"Guys, this is my friend, Jack Overland."

"Hi," I greet.

"Hi, I'm Kristoff, Anna's fiancé.." Kristoff offers me a hand.

"Anna, Rapunzel's cousin." Anna smiles sweetly at me. I turned to a platinum blonde.

"Elsa, Elsa Arendelle. I’m a cousin of Rapunzel." The blonde offers a hand.


"Come sit with us, we were about to have lunch." Rapunzel says. I sit down beside Elsa and Rapunzel.

"Hiccup!" Rapunzel called.

Hiccup sighed ad walked to us. "Is there anything you need?"

Rapunzel nodded. "Uh, yeah, do you mind if I order another special, please."

Hiccup nods furiously. "Yes, yeah, of course.”

We watch him stumble into other waiters and trip. I sighed. So graceful.

"So, what brings you here?" Anna asks me excitedly.

"Just going to visit Emma, my sister. No one is more important than my sister." I shrug.

"Oh, I know, right?" Anna tells me, motioning Elsa.

"How old is Emma?" Elsa asks.

"She's about 12 by now, she lives with my mom."

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