IMAGINE: Loki bugging Thor to ask you out

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| IMAGINE for @obidala-starwars |

     You work in your office at Stark Tower, reading over some information in your notebook. You're employed as a scientist at Stark Tower. Tony Stark at first was really skeptical about hiring you for the job, but thanks to Pepper Potts, one of your good friends, she gave a huge lecture to Tony about all the reasons why you'd be perfect for the job. You were hired soon afterwards. You've been working here for a week.

     A knock sounds at your door and you look up. "Come in." You say.

     Tony enters and smiles at you. "Hey, so you ready to meet the rest of the Avengers?"

     "I would love to!"

     "Come on, they're all waiting for you." He says. You stand up and follow Tony. He leads you to a meeting room. "Everyone, this is Y/N L/N, our new scientist. Y/N, meet the Avengers." He states.

     You smile. "Hi, oh my goodness, it's so wonderful to meet all of you."

     "It's so great to meet you, too, Y/N. Tony's told us a lot about you." Captain America says. Your eyes land on Thor who's smiling at you. Your eyes widen slightly and your heart starts to pound.

     He is cute. Really, really cute.

    You smile back at him and give him a nod, just as Bruce Banner steps into view and starts talking science with you.


     A couple of days later, you're back in your office, typing away on the computer, when Thor opens up your office door. You look up at him and your heart leaps. "Thor." You say, smiling.

     He smiles back at you. "Hey, uh, Y/N." He replies.

     "What can I do for you?" You ask.

     "I was wondering if I can get you anything. You've been in here for a while." He says. "Do you need any food or drink?" He asks.

     You smile at him. "No, I'm good. Thank you so much for asking though. I really appreciate it."

     Thor flushes. "Okay. Well, if you need anything. Just let me know." He says.

     "I will. And the same goes for you. You know where to find me." You respond.

     He smiles. "Yes, I do." He says softly, before walking off. You release a sigh and rest back in your chair, grinning.


     Thor paces his room. "You know, if you want to ask Y/N out, you should just ask her." Loki says, grinning. Thor glares at his brother. Loki is being held at Stark Tower until Thor decides what to do with him. He's living not-so-happily there and is a constant nuisance to Thor.

     "I know you like her, Thor. It's obvious. A blind man could see it. Why don't you ask her out?" Loki says.

     "What do you know about my feelings?" Thor grumbles, continuing to pace.

      Loki frowns. "Just because we don't get along doesn't mean I don't know you. I've known you since we were babies. I know every look on your face. I know the look on your face now. You like Y/N." He explains.

     Thor shakes his head, smiling a little. "I hate you." He murmurs.

     Loki smiles. "Apparently everyone does." He says. "So are you going to ask her out?" He asks.

     "I don't-I don't know. I don't know if I should." Thor replies, biting his lip.

     "Do it! My goodness. What are you waiting for? Time is of the essence. If you don't, Captain America will get to her first." Loki says.

     Thor stares at him. "Do you really think he will?" He asks worriedly.

    Loki shrugs. "Maybe. I don't know. I wouldn't risk it though." He answers.

    Thor sighs and straightens. "You're right. Fine. I'll do it. I'll ask her out." He states, before leaving the room.


    "Hey, Y/N." Thor says as you're in the kitchen.

    "Hey, Thor." You respond.

     "Uh, would you-would you, uhhh..." He stammers.

     You turn around to face him, your eyebrows draw quizzically. "Would I what?" You ask. Thor stares at you and shifts nervously. He rubs the back of his neck.

     "Are you okay?" You ask worriedly.

    "What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine." He mutters. He clears his throat. He starts to shake his head. "You know what? Never mind." He murmurs. He walks out of the kitchen.

     "What?" You breathe in confusion.


     "Did you do it?" Loki asks as soon as Thor enters the room.

     "I couldn't." Thor gasps.

     "Are you kidding me?" Loki groans.

    "I was too-I was too nervous. She's just so beautiful—staring at me with those gorgeous eyes of her..." Thor sighs.

     Loki leans against the wall. "Man, you've got it bad, brother." He murmurs. Thor cuts him a glare. "What?" Loki laughs innocently.

     "I need to go." Thor grumbles, walking out of the room.


     For the next week, all Loki does is bug Thor to ask you out. Thor's had it. He opens the door to his brother's room. Before Loki can even open his mouth, Thor holds up his hand. "I'm asking her out!" He exclaims.

     "You are? Finally!" Loki sighs. "When are you going to do it?" He asks.

     "Right now." Thor replies.

     "Then what are you still doing here? Go!" Loki exclaims.

     Thor walks out of the room and goes to find you. You're talking with Captain America. Thor stops in his tracks. "Oh no." He whispers, panicked. "Loki was right." He murmurs.

     You spot Thor. "Hey!" You exclaim. "I'll catch you later." You tell Captain America, touching his arm. You walk over to Thor. "Hey, what's up?" You say.

     Thor takes a deep breath. "Y/N, I have to tell you something." He says.

     "Yes?" You question.

     "I like you. A lot. And I was just wondering if you'd like to go out on a date." He admits.

     Your jaw slips open and you smile. "Thor, I'd love to." You reply.

     "You would?!" He asks in shock.

     "Yes." You laugh. "I think it'd be fun." You murmur, stepping close to him.

     Thor grins. "Great. So when do you want to go?" He asks.

     "I'm free tonight." You reply.

     "Tonight works." He laughs nervously.

     You look down, blushing. "I'll see you tonight then." You say softly.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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