The continuation of the Eat it or Wear it Challenge I.

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Simon: Greetings everyone, First of all, sorry for not uploading the video that we made remember we promised to make 2 videos in a week. Sorry for breaking it, we just got busy recently with the summer classes because we got concerts and we went to have a vacation, we went to Paris and we have fun. Of course, you knew about Paris, we shoot a video there. Well, we just got distracted a lot lately and forgot about the video, well since we're at Paris that time, the videos are not live but now that we're back, maybe next Friday or Monday we'll be doing it live. Jeanette: We are truly sorry for the delay of the video and for breaking the promise that we made. But to make it up to you guys we'll be doing challenges every Friday's and Saturday's, we'll try and make some on Monday's if we have some time. Brittany: Yeah we're very sorry and as you can see Alvin isn't around because he got detention today. Let's just say that he really got into Miss Smith's nerves earlier. Theodore:  feel bad for Miss Smith. Eleanor: Yeah, Miss Smith got an insomnia last night, she can't sleep because her brother got into an accident and was in a hospital he's in a comma. Brittany: And when we enter the classroom Miss Smith was asleep drooling and Alvin bring out a black marker and draw big circles on Miss Smith's eyes and he put red marker into the llensof her glasses and draw red dots and wrote her name on the board that says Sleeping Monster, go to detention!! I know we weren't supposed to say what Alvin did but we didn't want you guys to get curious. Anyway, Please, please 1000x please comment down below and dare as to do a challenge, so Dave won't think of a game anymore. Jeanette: And we want to advertise the story that our founder is still working on the Ala Mode Chipettes hope you'll like it. 

Simon: Alvin will be mad once he found out that we made a video without him

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Simon: Alvin will be mad once he found out that we made a video without him. But at least he's still included in the challenge video so it'll be like he's present. Eleanor: Here's the video hope you like it.

At the French Creek Park:

Alvin: Hey guys we're back, same game, same location, it's me, Alvin, My Brother's Simon and Theodore and The Chipettes B-girl/diva, Jeanette and Eleanor are here with me. Sorry it's a bit windy out here so there will be a windy background. Simon: Anyway, since this is just the continuation of the eat it or wear it challenge the mechanics are still the same. We'll be choosing one of these 42 bags so 7 bags for each of us then we'll either eat or wear the contents that's in the bag. Jeanette: There won't be a winner or a loser in this game, so this is going to be fun Brittany: But I hope that I won't get any more bad content, I mean Jean and I hope. So let's get started. Who's going to be first Alvin: It's me since I'm at the end then you, then Simon, and so On. Alvin: I'm going to choose this bag Simon: I realize that the pattern till goes from eldest to youngest Alvin: Ywah, no one cares. Anyway, I got... Almond M&M's, like what I told yah, Alvin is lucky nah not just my name I'm lucky. Brittany: Just eat 1 spoonful of that before your ego grew bigger Alvin: Hahaha (Sarcasm) but at least I just got big ego you got big ego and bad attitude Simon: Would you just get over it Alvin, Brittany just accidentally pull the string of the Science project We're working on. Alvin: Well, I know she did it on purpose, she saw me at the door and even said hi. Then she pull the white string and then white flour with pink coloring pour onto me. See pink is a torture to the color red and she's a torture to me. Simon: She already said sorry. Theodore: Yeah, just forgive her Alvin Alvin:  Not until I get back at her. Jeanette: Guys, we can talk about it later we're on camera. Simon: Oh yeah sorry about that guys, Alvin and Brittany got tension with each other. well, I wouldn't say tension because Brittany isn't mad at Alvin maybe she is now because Alvin thinks she pours the all purpose flour with strawberry flavoring on his head on purpose. Alvin: Which she really did.  Brittany: Which I don't. Anyway, you go next Theo Alvin: Wait how'd you get there? 

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