Chapter III

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We took a cab to the hospital where there was very sick and gross people their. We filled out a paper and under a line it read  parent/guardian's name.

"Just say your my dad's or something." I said.

"That's not how it works we don't have legal documentation that

Proves we are." Dan said.

"Just do it Danny I doubt there gonna ask for documentation." Phil said.

"Okay." Dan replied.

A few minutes pass and the doctor Comes out.

"Amanda Lester?" The doctor says.

"Really had to put my last name." Phil said.

"Never mind that let's go." Daniel said.

We walked into the office. I had to sit on the bed while the doctor went to get something.

"How do you feel?" Phil asked.

"Dizzy" I replied.

"Well the doctor will fix that up." Dan said.

"Hello my name is Dr.Lauren. so what happend here?" The doctor said.

"Well I fell while I was walking to school I hit my head pretty hard."I said.

"And who are you two."Dr. Lauren asked.

Phil:Well we-

Amanda: MY DADS..t-They're my dad's.(,I interrupted him so we wouldn't get caught.)

Dan: lol yea totes I'm dad yea (he said in a kind of panikly tone)

Phil: sorry he is just nervous because he thinks our daughter's head got super messed up.Its fine right?

Dr lauren: umm... well let me check in her.

She examined me for like ten minutes it was very quiet and akward.

Dr. Lauren: well you got a concussion be careful here is some pain killers take 1 day and you'll be good.

Dan: thanks doc we be on our way now.

Phil: did we just actually act like your dad's

Amanda: hahaha Dan you were so nervous

To be continued. . .

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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