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The drive to her new apartment took Melanie longer than expected. There was so much traffic on the road, and it seemed every red light managed to stop her. She began to get a little frustrated. She was placing her whole new life on the moment when she was at her new place, and she couldn't seem to get there fast enough. Peering out her window at a red light, she began to get a bit sad. She looked at the car next to her, and saw a young couple leaned into each other, kissing. She could see the man looking out the corner of his eye, waiting for the light to change, not willing to let go of the kiss until absolutely necessary. She could remember a time when she had love like that. It hurt to know that it was no more.

The light turned green, and her focus was back on the road. Her eyes were on the road, but her mind was a million miles away. Over the last few weeks she had become adept at not taking her thoughts to the unwanted places it seemed to be going today. It was a little disturbing, to be honest, by how in control of these thoughts she was. This had her wondering if there were more signs than she had originally thought when it came to the devolution of her relationship with Sharon. She couldn't put a finger on anything in particular, but the fact that she was handling this so well had to be significant.

Not wanting to think about exactly what had brought her life to the point it was now, Melanie turned the radio on for distraction. Finding her favorite station, she began singing along to the song currently playing. Not her favorite song ever, but it would do. Singing was one of her favorite things to do. It calmed her nerves, and always seemed to make her feel, if not fantastic, at least slightly better. 

Twenty minutes later, she finally came to her destination. The music had proved to lighten her mood, and she feeling much more positive about things in general. She saw the moving truck, and Dana standing next to it. As she got out of the car, she could also see two men unloading her couch. Dana had been given a key, so she must have unlocked the door for the men to get started right away.

"Hey there. It's about time you got here. I was getting worried. I was going to call, but I knew you were driving, and how you feel about talking while driving. What took so long? Are you ok?" Dana never missed a beat. This woman didn't seem to find a need to breath as it all poured out of her mouth.

"I'm fine, Dana. Traffic was a bit heavy, and I managed to hit almost every red light between there and here." Walking to where Dana was standing, the two woman embraced. Times like these Mel realized just how much she had missed her friend.

They had met in college, both choosing the same career path to study. Nursing is what had drawn them to each other, but a friendship quickly blossomed. They were two very different women, but there differences complimented each other nicely. Where one lacked, the other made up for. Dana had instantly accepted Melanie's confession of being a lesbian, and Mel had no problem with Dana playing every good looking man she could find. She wasn't a whore, she simply liked dating different men. She had stated that if she didn't try as many as she could, she might miss out on her soulmate. Sound logic when it was thought about in those terms. 

After graduating, they had become roommates. An easy transition, fueled by the fact that they were both pretty broke, and financially needed the other. Two years of this setup, and Sharon had come along. They had met at a bar, and instantly connected. Dana wasn't a big fan, but she saw how happy her best friend was, and couldn't bring herself to say anything. 

After some time, Sharon and Melanie had moved in together, and Dana still kept her mouth shut. She suspected Sharon of cheating on Mel from the very beginning, but never had proof. When she did acquire proof, three years after they bought the house, she still couldn't find it in her heart to tell her friend what was happening. It was now beyond the point of being able to tell Mel all the things she knew about her ex. She knew she wouldn't be forgiven easily if this information was ever divulged.

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