Preference #6: Ships Couple Song

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Fearless by Taylor Swift
~I feel like this one is kind of self explanatory?

I Wanna Hold Your Hand by The Beatles
~This one is because I feel like neither of them are very open with their affection and such. I think that they are more subtle, dropping hints rather than making a move.

Love Story by Taylor Swift
~Kind of a Romeo and Juliet forbidden type of love, based on the fact that they are the heart and the mind.

Kid in Love by Shawn Mendez
~Happy and upbeat kind of love, they can act like children together free of judgement.

Baby it's Cold Outside (glee version)
~Specifically the Glee version because I like it better. Princey is Blaine's part, because he's more forward and open with his love. Logan is Kurt's part because he is shying away and denying Roman the attention he wants.

All of Me by John Legend
~This song would mean a lot to Anxiety. Both him and Patton understand the importance of loving someone, flaws and all.

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