
I know what's past is past but it always comes back to haunt me. The day I was prosecuted. The day I knew I might never see my family again. On April 2nd 2001, I was sentenced to 16 years in juvi efforts stealing my fathers gun and robbing 2 stores. I was 10. I knew it was wrong but somewhere inside my mind told me to do it. It's not like I was in a right state of mind anyway. My parents had just divorced and I was in a rage of anger and depression. Something told me it would make me happy so being an emotionally unstable teenager, I did it.

What no one knew was I was prison bait. Thrown around for being small and being raped multiple times because everyone including myself knew I was too weak and shy to ask for help or scream or do anything to get me out of those situations. None of the guards believed me though. They thought I was lying to try and bring attention to myself. If you ever think you have it bad just know you didn't spend 16 years in prison with suck-ass food and everyone treating you like their own personal masturbation station.

The day I got out was the best day of my life. Knowing I was finally free to try and be a normal human being again. But then reality hit me and I knew I had no where to go. My parents disowned me from the second they opened the door to 2 cops asking for their sweet little son who would never do anything wrong. That was the only option I had. I never met much of my family because either I was busy or my parents were working. So you know where I lived? The streets. I met a nice man named Jin and he brought me food every now and then but one day he stopped coming and I never knew why.

My only friends were the birds and the rats and the occasional passer by. No one payed much attention to me but there was one girl who worked at the cafe across the street from where I stayed. She would always look at me and smile a drop a few dollars off after her shifts. I never learned her name but I'm sure I'll see her again in the future, after all destiny doesn't lie.... I'm getting off track again. So yeah, life on the streets was shit but life in prison is shittier so I can't really complain. Well enough about me. I think I've told you enough about my depressing back story. I don't mean to upset anyone but yeah, it was pretty bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2017 ⏰

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