1. Introduction

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                         ~ B E S T F R I E N D S~

It is Vorgal's first day in his school. Before entered this school,he knew nothing about friends.At first, he thought friends were just some trash that would hold him to get  up and to be better.

Oh,  his real name is  Vorgal Foxy Alexander Gustine.Before he entered this school ,he only have a home tutor- that's GOOGLE. And he's only 13

This is his first time attending a school. He will enter the Frost Draco Junior High. This is the best Junior High  he had ever known.

In this school, there are more than 1000 students with one teacher each class. The school looks luxurious ( just the cover)😴, from the inside , it looks like a haunted school. Vorgal get the worst class in his school.

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