part 1

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Is sigh and fix my mask a little as I knock on garroths door. I wait for about 2 seconds before knocking again.
"Coming coming jeez get some patience asshole!" Someone yells.
"Well fuck you too little laurance.." I sneer at the brunette standing in the doorway. "Is garroths here?"
"Yeah he is, garroth! It's zane!, what do you want anyways? It's 8 o'clock  in the morning"
"None of your concern little-"
"Baby brother!" A deep Roman voice yells. None other then my brother shows up, shoving laurance away and engulfing me in a bear hug.
"Morning." I grumble. "Can I talk to you? Alone?" I say the last part glaring at laurance, he gives me the finger.
"Uh...sure?" He says. He steps outside and closes the door behind him. We sit on the patio swing and the blind turns to me, clasping his hands and breathing in.
", when a mother and father love each other  ver-"
"It's not that! I already know about that..dumbass.." I geumble, smacking him upside the head. He whines and rubs the back of his head.
"I got evicted" I say. He gasps.
What!? Oh my Irene zane I'm so sorry!" He says quickly, I dodge his hug.
"It's fine its fine.." i assure him. "It's do need a place to stay though.." I say, resist in my voice. I really don't want to stay in a house with him. Let alone laurance.
"What about aph?"
"No room." I say.
"Hotel?" "Can't afford it"
"OK about..reese?"
'Fuck that asshole" I mumble.
"Good point. Oh! I know! You can stay with us!"
I groan.
"Aboit tike you got it through your head" I chuckle. "You sure?"
"Yeah. They only downside is..."

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