Chapter Seventeen.

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Hola amigos!! Hehe. Chapter 17. 

And, and, and I dedicate this to hazzaforever (sorry, i don't know your real name, babe! :D ) :-) Just because she seems really in to my story which I have no idea why. And her comments on my story are such a site to see. Hahahaha.

Ohwell. I'll be dedicating the next chapters to some of you guys. I kinda have a list. But if you want a chapter to be dedicated to you, just comment :-)

That's all. Enjoy!! :) 


*Jesse's POV* 

It's already 11:26 pm and I cannot sleep. It's raining hard outside and I've been thinking about Harry since I laid in my bed. I'm gonna miss him so much when he leaves for Ireland. 

There are different questions running in my mind right now. 

Would I sacrifice my friendship with Harry and confess all the love I have for him?


Would I just let this feeling go, and just be bestfriends with him? 

Oh god, why am I even in this position. Would I rather be his bestfriend or his lover? 

All I know is that I would never afford to lose him in my life. 

*beep beep*

The phone beside my pillow beeped like it always does when I recieved a message. 

From: Harry Styles

Jess, Denisse is using, she doesn't love me.. I cannot believe it. I'm in the park.  Can you meet me? If you don't want to, it's okay. x

WHAT? Denisse is only using Harry? Oh that girl should not show her face to me because for all I know I could kill her for what she has done to Harry.

Harry doesn't mind if you don't like him but he hates, let me emphasise that for you, HE H-A-T-E-S people who uses him. Especially now that he's famous, he finds it hard to trust people because they might just be using him for his money and fame. And that's exactly what Denisse has done. 

How can Denisse just use him? And not love him? He's so lovable and sweet and caring. 

I looked outside the window and it was raining hard. But even though the weather's really bad, I quickly dressed to my jeans, and Harry's hoodie which he just gave to me the other day and on my vans. 

I quickly stormed outside the house, but not forgetting my umbrella ofcourse. I walked to the park, wait no, I ran to the park. Who knows what Harry might be doing to his self right now. 

I got to the park in 7 minutes. It usally takes you 15-20 minutes if you walk but since I ran I got there a little quicker. 

The park was kinda big so I really don't know where I'll find Harry. But then I remember that he told me before that he goes to the playground. 

I decided to find him there first. But the stupid girl that I am, don't know where the playground is in this huge park. I looked around, trying to figure what direction I should go. Thankfully, there was a sign that says "Playground" and beside it is an arrow which points to the left. 

I followed the direction and in a matter of seconds I stopped, and I saw Harry sat on the swing.

He didn't see that I was there because: first, his face was burried to his hands; second, he wasn't facing me, his back was facing me. 

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