chapter 2 (pic of Victor Creed)

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<A/n: italics is a flashback)

Victor Creed slowed down to a stop. He had been running on all fours for five hours and he was getting tired. He had been running around in circles for the last few weeks. It had been ten years since he had seen her and he wasn't sure how to find her anymore. Any trace of her was gone, her smell, her smile, everything about her was gone. He had only the picture in his pocket to remind him what she looked like. Even then the picture was ten years old, faded and wrinkled. She probably didn't look the same anymore. He wiped some sweat off his forehead before he pulled out the picture from his jacket pocket. He ran a finger over her face. Her raven black hair had been braided the day of the picture. There were wild flowers in her hair and the tank top and jeans she wore matched them perfectly. They had gone to a fair that day. He had played games, laughed, went on rides with her and forgot about life was like before this.

He put the picture back in his pocket and found a place to sit. He hunted his own food so he wouldn't have to go near any towns or cities. He growled as a scent caught his attention, it wasn't hers, but someone who might be able to tell him. Jimmy was nearby or at least he had been within the last few months. He got up and moved fast trying to catch the scent at its strongest point, but the wind kept changing and he kept loosing it. He growled, there was a time he would have protected his brother from anything, but that time was no more. Jimmy had messed up bad and Victor had left Shyloh to go after Jimmy. She had told him not to leave, begged him to stay. When he told her he had to go she swore if he walked out that hospital door she wouldn't be home when he got back.

He was so angry and in such a rage that he barely heard her words and he had left. She was gone when he got back, even though it looked and smelled like she had stayed for a few days before leaving, maybe hoping he would change his mind and come home. He had not and she took her stuff and left. He didn't know where. In his rage he destroyed the house but kept the picture that was now in his pocket. He ran his fingers through his short hair and let out a noise. He stopped trying to chase the scent and found himself in the woods out side his destroyed home. A small cross marking a grave lay a few feet from where he stood. He knelt down and brushed the dirt and mud off of the cross. He knew exactly what it meant.

Victor sat up slowly something had caught his attention. He edged out of bed, trying to prevent Shyloh from waking, but she had felt him move. She rolled over and looked up at him. He was pulling on pajama bottoms even though that wasn't necessary. He didn't need them, the cold never bothered him. He looked back at her. She was laying on her back and her stomach was sticking out considering she was nine months pregnant. He smiled at her, a soft smile, which isn't something he does often.

"what is it Victor?" She sat up slowly.

"Stay here Shy" Victor looked at her before turning away.

"Victor" She started but he interrupted her with a growl in his voice

"I said stay here Shyloh" He bared his fangs at her which was something he rarely did. He had only done it to her when he needed her to listen to him. It was usually for a good reason. Like when he had tried to warn her about the bear that nearly killed her the year they had started to live together.

Victor left the room and she heard the front door slam shut behind him. Shyloh got up out of bed and pulled on one of Victor's shirts. Despite her being nine months pregnant the shirt still fell to her knees. Her hair was pulled into a braid that hung over her left shoulder. With a hand on her swollen stomach she moved to the door and opened it. As she looked out from the porch she could see what had made Victor get out of bed. Jimmy had found them. They were growling at each other before Jimmy lunged at Victor. Shyloh raised one hand and found water rose from the large bucket of water that lay near by. She moved it to restrain Jimmy. He has stopped a few feet from Victor.

"What has gotten into you?" She shouted. She has known both men for at least three years and it wasn't until recently that they started fighting all the time. "you are brothers, Jimmy you walked away from this a while ago and Victor, you promised to always protect your brother."

"it doesn't matter anymore Shyloh" Jimmy said struggling against his watery restraints. "He has killed many people and must pay for what he's done."

"I will not allow you to kill him" Shyloh shouted and stepped between the two brothers.

"this is no longer between the two of you. When you came looking for Victor, you should have thought of the consequences. Did you think that he was just going to let me walk away?" Shyloh made a noise as she felt her power slipping from her.

The water restraints broke faster then anyone could have fathomed and Jimmy's extended claws came flying into Shyloh's stomach. Shyloh let out a loud scream as he pulled his claws back. She held her stomach where the blood was pouring out and she staggered backwards into Victor. He caught her and lifted her easily. He damned the fact that she had no supernatural healing abilities. Jimmy was horrified and without a thought took off in the opposite direction. Victor held her close as he ran for the nearest hospital, but he hadn't gotten her there in time for the doctors to save the baby.

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