Chapter four

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The next day the boys were given a day off from work to give them time to recover from last nights concert. most of the boys were too tired to do anything, apart from Ken.

"guuuuuuuys stop being lazy and play with meeeee!" Ken had spent the last half hour whining to the boys because none of them would play with him

"Ken please, were all tired, maybe later?" N said, trying to get him to be quiet

"but what if im doing something later? no one will play with me if im busy" Ken pouted

"if your that bored why don't you go out for a bit?" Hongbin suggested

"no! I'm too tired to go out" Ravi looked at him blankly

"your too tired to go out but not tired enough to whine to us about wanting someone to play with you?" Ken thought about if for a few seconds

"yupp that's about right!"  Leo chuckled, Ken looked at him with a confused face

"whats so funny?" he asked, Leo shook his head as a way of saying 'nothing' although he didn't say anything, Ken shrugged 

"fiiiine, you guys are boring play mates anyways!" and with that Ken walked off to find something to do.

everyone looked at Leo who had a bit of a smile on his face

"care to share the joke Leo?" N asked, Leo shook his head again

"its nothing" he said quietly and stood up, walking off to his room.

once Leo entered his room he sat on the bed and sighed, 'he just gets cuter and cuter' he thought, Leo knew he had to do something about this, at least tell Ken how he feels, but he didn't know how, and on top of that he was scared, scared of rejection, scared of being treated differently because he likes another guy, he needed confidence but didn't know where to find it.


ok im so sorry for the really short chapter but i had no ideas on what to write and im really tired but i felt like treating you all to a keo update ^_^ xox

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