Tears in Heaven

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If God calls you, are you ready to respond? But what if the only woman you love asked you "Are you ready to be with me forever?" What would be your response? This question pondered me years and decades ago. I met this woman who gave meaning to my 3652 days.

It was in mid-June. I checked my to-do list for that day then I saw that I have a wedding to attend in the afternoon. As a priest, I need to meet the couple and brief them before I give them the wedding vows. My name is Son and people used to call me Fr. Son. My prayers are with them as they take their journey as husband and wife.

As I was on my way to the church, thoughts were still pondering in my mind until I remembered my journey when I was in High school. When I was a senior student, I am one of the popular students in school. Girls are the ones who are making the first move and to be honest, I also had secret admirers. But I had this secret admirer who's still now, I didn't know. I was curious who she is because she gave me plenty of same dolls when I was in High school. Anyway, that time, I was really in love with this girl named Anne.

From the moment I saw her walk through the school gate with those curly hairs, pretty brown eyes and a 5 ft. tall height, I couldn’t help but to secretly stare at her. It was as if nothing else mattered. For a moment, time had stopped and everything was moving in slow motion. I knew from the bottom of my heart that she was the one.

It all happened when she was trying to get familiar with the school facilities. I was at the chapel that time because I’m also one of the altar servers in our school. For me, the chapel was the perfect place in our school. It was peaceful and I could watch the sunrise there at the window every morning. And as I pray, I could also hear the music created by the joyful chirps of the birds up in the trees outside. The cool breeze of the air touches my face every time I sit in the pew, relaxing and reflecting. Until the very special moment in my life happened one morning in the 29th of July.

“Uhm.. Hi. May I know your name?” A girl behind me asked.

I wasn’t able to say anything because I was shocked. It was the girl with the curly hair. I thought I was alone.

“I said hi, may I know your name?” She smilingly repeated.

My senses came back to me when I heard her repeated her words.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I was shocked because I didn’t know that someone aside from me is here too. By the way, I’m Son.” I finally replied.

“That’s fine with me. I’m Anne.”

“Are you a new student here? Your face is not familiar.” I asked.

“Oh, I’m a freshman student. So, how’s the life being a popular senior student?”

“It was good. But honestly, I find it weird receiving plenty of gifts from anonymous girls.” I opened up.

“Gifts like what?” She asked.

“Mostly letters but there is this gift I find very interesting yet weird.” I reached for a doll in my bag and showed it to her. “I received plenty of this from the same person. I didn’t have any idea until now who she is. It all started since this school year started.”

            Our conversation went on and I realized that we enjoyed each other’s company very much. She told me I was her first friend in school. I found it interesting to be with her everyday even though I couldn’t talk whenever she looks at me. My heart melts when I’m with her. I fell for her hard and fast. I was crazily, madly, and deeply in love with her. It seemed that my world stops when she’s not around. I dreamt of her every night. I was totally in love but I knew she didn’t felt the same way.

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