Untitled Part 1

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 hi i'm 17 and just out of high school but i'm going to be liveing on my own. my parents are ded and i'm a runaway. and i have to stay some whare out  in the world with a secret that most peopl would tack me to jail for. so i ran affter giting all the stuff i thought i would need . then i went to the forest . so many blha bla bla latter's i found a willow tree in the midol of a lake with a raft so i pote my stoff on it and went acrost then after i was hiden by the willow leff's. i went up the tree it was like someone lived hear but it had no one. so i fixed my stoff in the places it should go and went to sleep.

in the morning i heard a sound of some teenage voice's so i climed to the point i could hear there voice clearly.

wight jacket : now what are we going to tell the boss. the girl is gone and she killed her parents and the whole school.

elfe boy: ya that is all we can say .


wight jacket: lets fined out who is there ok

elfe boy: um i think it came from up there.

i was pulled out of the tree to face a boy who looked like he was link from legend of zelda. and the other was a boy who had black hare and black arowned the eyelids and a huge bloody smiol . that i thought was relly cute. 

wight jacket: stop staring at me plz. * he said as he stared at me*

i had on black dress up pant's and a wight hoode the same as him even are face was the same. only he cold see me not the elf boy.

elf boy: hold on were you jeff  just say plz to a random girl. you are only this nice to me and ej.

jeff:  look at her ben , she is the one we were hear to git.

then jeff set me down and i lifet up my hoody.

ben : but she she looks li like........................................................................


hey this was my ferst book . and ferst  cp so . and if you dont now what a cp/ creepypasta is then look it up it's awsom . thx for reading and sorry for the bad spelling and it being so short.

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