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This is lily grace in my story (it's me) please don't judge the way I look 👆🏼


I've only just arrived here in Moonlight Falls. As far I've seen it's pretty nice . I'm kind of scared about school and that though , I mean it's not like I can just go back to being popular. This is a new world for me , a start over . I just hope I fit in.

It's so weird. Starting fresh in a new town , new home. Everything has changed since dad left . And because of him my mums dragged me out here .

I've unpacked a lot but I decided to go look around . A few blocks from my house there's mountains and a waterfall it's my favourite place yet .

I'm just sitting here on a mountain watching the sun set hoping tomorrow doesn't come . I want to make a good impression to the people at school , I want them to like me so I'm going to put on a good outfit and look the bomb tomorrow.

I'm still sitting here looking like an idiot , but for some reason I can't bring myself to my feet . My dad always said that if we were away from each other to just look at the stars and know that he's watching them too .

(Phone rings)
Mum: hey hunny , where are you ?
Me: hey Mum , I'm a few blocks from home , I found a place like my old one back in Boston.
Mum: Oh how lovely!, well pizza is here so can you come home ?
Me: yeah I'll be there in a few minuets.
Mum: ok hunny , be careful on your way
Me: will do Mum love you
Mum: love you too Hun bye
Me: bye

I'm home now. On my laptop of course looking for new clothes . It's much quieter here then Boston . No cars, no kids but just the sounds of winds and the moans of horses out in the field .

I went outside over to the horses . Introducing myself . They were nice and soft . I never got a chance to be around a horse in Boston it wasn't like this place . In fact it was the complete opposite.

I went back inside and sat on the roof outside my window watching Netflix for ages .

What can I say ... I binge watched again . I best go to bed now if I want to get up tomorrow.

So this is the end of my story today ... hope to see you in the next chapter .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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