Me and Cameron just sit on the bed and snuggle and talk for like 30 minutes. In that time My best friend Brook from California texts me and we talk on snapchat for like 15 minutes. She was just checking up on me...
She ends up Face-timing me on SnapChat and im only in my bra and underwear but she's already seen every thing else so i didn't care.
I answer her call and the first thing she says is....."who's the guy i see all over your Snapchat story" So i grin and tell her that its my boy friend and she just grins and Just smiles because she noticed in the pictures that i was happy....
She told me that as long as im happy she was happy but i really wish i could find her a way to come down here..... Thats when i got an idea.....
I text my mom and ask her "Hey can Brook come live with us and go to school with me.....
She's living with her Grandmother and she's sick so i mean you signed the papers were if anything happened to her you had custody of her so can you please let her come down here and live with us"
She texts back and says" Allison that would take a lot of gas......." Mom i have 300 dollars you can have all of it for gas but i can't live without my other half........
So then she says "Fine i will go tonight....... Let her know but i will call her grandmother... Make sure she packs all of her clothes and everything"
OMGGG thank you mom i will i love you so much.....
I jump up in joy and i call Brrok back and i say I just talked to my mom and remember how my mom signed the papers to get custody of you for if we move or something"She says" yea"
And i say well pack everything because my mom is coming to get you tonight...... And she starts grinning and jumps up in joy and she says OMGGGGG im going to live with my other half....
And so i said well im gonna let you go so you can pack everything She tells me bye and stuff and i grab Cameron because he was going to go with me to get her in California...
I texted my mom.........
Hey mom since i have my licence and my jeep and money for gas can i just go get her my self....
Mom says:
Yea i don't care
i say:
Okay bye mom love you......
I grab Cameron and i grab 2 button up shirts out of his drawer and a pair of pants and a pair of shorts for him. He asks me what im doing so i just ignore him until after i get my bag and my stuff.
As soon as i walk out of the room He asks me again and i just tell him that were going on a road trip.
And so he just grins and grabs the keys to the jeep and when i walk out of the house he locks the door behind him and we hop in the jeep.
I start the jeep and i pull up pandora on my phone and i plug the Aux cord in and i let Cameron choose a station and i text Brook on Snapchat and tell her were on our way and that well be there in about 1 hour......
And she sends me a video back and she has everything packed... Literally everything.......
I just send her a text back saying text that i would text her when i got onto the road or at least Cameron might text her and she says okay.
Cameron's Pov:
We get onto the road and i choose a different station on Pandora but what came on wasn't good so i went to Youtube and looked up "Lights down low by Max" It starts playing and Allison just starts dancing and so i start dancing to.
Then all of a sudden she pulls out a Cigarette out of her bag and lights it....
I ask her why shes smoking and she says...... "I don't smoke a lot only when i'm stressed"
So i ask her what she's stressed about and she says "Us and school"
Baby why are you stressed about us???
Allison's Pov:
Because everyone's calling me a whore and everyone has seen my snapchat so what if peoples reaction to us being together aren't good reactions!!!
Cameron's pov:
I told you not to worry about what other people think me and you are perfect the way we are and then she drops the cigarette out the window and i play around and say "Good girl"she leans over and hits me on the chest.
Allison's Pov:
Yay were almost here.... Were in my old neighborhood. We pull up at Brooks house and she comes out of the house with 3 suit cases full of stuff and so me and Cameron get the suitcases while she gets into the drivers seat and me and Cameron sit in the back. this is what we look like on the way back home......
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