I Am Undone

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For a moment in time, he was numb. He heard nothing, saw nothing and most certainly felt nothing. Then it hit him, as a tsunami hits the shores and  catches people unaware. Like a flood crashing the dam that held everythng back, he fell deep into a frenzy as his world, slowly faded to black. The curtain call.

It wasn't surprising, rather normal as he had known since the start that what he set out for was a feat that was set to fail. It was inevitable. What he didnt comprehend was the force of the impact. His muscles contracted as he felt a deep pang in his chest. This was literally Heartbreak. A chained demon unleashed within him. And this monster couldnt be tamed. It was born out of all the sufferings endured. It slowly but surely clawed at him , as he gasped for air.

She meant the world, the foundation, the northern star that guided him. She was the lighthouse that was meant to guide his ship across a tempest safely to port. But for now, she was gone. Dancing in the arms of another, laughing with every breath she took and once in a while stole a glance at his direction recognising his pain, yet showing no signs of any compassion.

She Knew! SHE KNEW! was all he heard screaming in his head. He cursed the nightsky. This was all her doing. She had schemed it from the very start. Her carelessness, yet gentle touch. Her ignorance yet hanging presence was all part of the set up that had trapped him. She put him in a limbo of endless cycles of love that began with hope and ended with nothing. All those time he wasted, looking after her. Like a shadow beast, protecting her. Yet, she never really noticed, or chose rather not to be swayed.

But he couldnt just stop. No! How could she have handled all that by herself? He full knew that what he sought was his own sustenance by serving her every need. And didnt he try his best! Yet she dismissed him at the turn of the hour. Ohh sorrow lives. Boundless in its power. Unmerciful in its targets. Captured by its fists, he choked and felt his eyes well up.

Tear tracks, followed by a flood of memories that made it more hard to let go. His friends had warned him of this outcome. He knew what he was getting into, chasing pavements. But it was all Justified. I mean wasn't it? Just look at her smile. Those eyes they twinkle. Have you seen the way they glint? They seem to light up the sky. I saw my world, the sun , the moon, and the stars across the galaxy all in those precious eyes.

Help me God, but the feelings wont let go. And I wont let go either. So days turned to years, and before i knew it. I congratulated her. I let her know i was every bit happy as she was. And i told everyone that they had my full backing. I Let Go. What they couldnt decipher was the lowblow to my pride, and the killer punch it dealt to my being.

I waited in the depths of the shadows, and will continue to do so. Someday she may call on me, and when that happens, I will be ready to serve.

The End! :) Hope you enjoyed and hope I've made you feel like you are not the only One.

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