ch. 1 Ooohh his keys

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Hmmph! I huff annoyed, glaring at my ceiling. I moved here a week ago and nothing even remotely exciting has happened yet. A whole week! Its the middle of summer and there is still a whole month til I start in university.

Aarrrh I'm gonna die of boredom!!!

After another 20 minutes of glaring at my ceiling, I decide to go to the park for a walk. I grab my trusty shades and a bag of gummi bears (but no jacket seeing as its the middle of summer in Oregon) and went outside.



Okay, now is a pretty good time to introduce myself.

My name is Sophia Hastings and I'm 18, ill be starting in university soon, but you probably already guessed that. I just moved here from Miami because of family reasons ( We only just met, you cant expect me to tell you my life story! )

My favourite word is whatever, and believe me I use it A LOT. My motto is, life is too good to let peoples opinion keep you from it.

Eehhhh what else is there to tell?...........I GOT IT! I'm heavily decorated black belt in , Judo, Taekwondo, Karate, Kung Fu and well most Martial arts actually. And that should be everything OHHH WAIT I FORGOT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING!!! I'm seriously obsessed with gummi bears, you can insult me, embarrass me, heck you can even slap me! But mess with gummi bears and I mess with your face. Got it? Good.




Okay, so here I am walking around the park thinking about how to make it possible to marry a gummi bear, and BAM! You guessed it, I walked into a wall. Who put a wall in the middle of the park? I open my eyes and see that it is in fact not a wall, but a huge chest I walked into, eehh oops? Wait, this is the start of every love story on wattpad. I quickly take a step back and look at the guy i bumped into, he seems to be around my age, and let me tell you im not the type of girl who ogles at guys but DAMN HES HOT!

Hes got it all, the dark slightly curly hair, the firm jawline, and the muscles that are big enough to look good, but not so big that it screams steroid's. I see him drop his keys and I catch them on reflex. I open my mouth to apologize for bumping into him, and look into his surprisingly grey eyes that seem to be getting darker and darker ....... Wait what!?! " Mine"!!! He growls.

What the ohh right his keys. I reach out my hand to give them to him. He just stares at them for a minute, before grabbing my hand and slinging me over his shoulder. Okayyy whats going on? And why do I feel sparks where our skin touch? He starts walking towards a car that I assume is his. He then proceeds to opening the door and shoving me into the passenger seat. Rude much? Wait, this isn't the time to be thinking about manners is it? I'm being shoved into a strangers car!

FOCUS SOPHIA! I need to get away before he rapes me, or kills me, or whatever happens when somebody's kidnapped......... Or technically since i'm 18 then napped? Nap a nap sounds good to me, i'll just deal with this when i wake up.





AUSTIN/KIDNAPPING WALL POV. 15 minutes earlier



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