Chapter Ten

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Who wants to play a game? I know how much some of you are looking forward to the next Thomas POV, so I hate to inform you that this chapter is from Mason's POV.

However. I'm willing to post this chapter AND the next chapter which is very much Thomas/Jade centric if you guys succeed together ;)

What do you need to do? Well, it's almost 12:30 where I am (Eastern Time zone), if this chapter can get 400+ votes by 8:00pm when I'm finished work I'll post the next chapter tonight. So double update for you guys. Win, right?

Get voting, reading, and commenting! ♡♡♡



I looked at the computer screen in my dad's office, his office had the best computer in the house and I wanted to do a tour of the University of North Carolina on Google maps on the large screen.

In a few months I would be taking business and I've already been at both dad and granddad's companies to see how they run them, it's inspiring. If I could be even half as successful as them it would be amazing.

The door to dad's office opened and Mila skipped over to me, "Hi, Mason."

"Hey, Mila." I smiled at her, watching her stand next to me and looking at the computer screen, "This is where I'm going to be going to school soon."

"It's really big. Won't you get lost?" She asked me.

"I have a good memory," I exited the Internet pages and shut off dad's computer, "Let's get out of dad's office. He might need to work soon."

As I stood from the large computer chair, Mila took my hand and sighed, "I was really hoping to play Club Penguin, though."

I furrowed my eyebrows, looking down at her as we walked out of the office and closing the door behind us, "First of all, Club Penguin is shut down now. Second, you can't go on that without adult permission. How do you even know about that?"

"I'm smart," She shrugged her shoulders and let go of my hand to run to the kitchen. Mom was making dinner and Mila was always interested in knowing what was on the 'menu.'

I turned away, walking past the living room to hear dad having a phone conversation. He was in deep conversation and when I took a look inside the living room he had papers scattered across the coffee table, writing down as he spoke on the phone.

"What are the fees each month?" He asked before commenting again, "Plus electrical?"

He went on to ask about square footage and other questions that I assume had to do with architecture. I walked into the room and sat on the couch, waiting for him to finish his conversation so we could catch up.

Dad wouldn't admit it but he's been stressed, he always is, and not work related. The strained relationship between he and Thomas put ten times more stress on him that any work ever did, but Thomas never seen that and dad never told him.

Of course I noticed and so did mom. But Thomas sees the world completely different than us and I can't judge him for that, in a way we've lived two completely different lives; there's one story but two different fates.

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