He's back

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Chapter 1

I walked into the main office. Teacher's have been giving me looks. I walked past my best friend when I saw a body guard. IS creamed and tried to run for it but he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder and carried me outside. I'm sorry. He said putting me in the back seat of a truck and putting on child proof and shutting the door. The whole ride to my old pack house was silent. I should explain what's going on. You see two years ago my alpha mate Blake rejected me and sent me away to a boarding school and wouldn't let me back in the pack's grounds and wouldn't let me see m parents or brother. I Felt my mate having sex with slut's every night for the first month which was painful. He didn't fully reject me yet. So that's probably what he sent this guy to do now. Once we got to the pack house my older brother MArk came out and took me from the back seat and led me to my parents out. They probably changed my bedroom by now. I thought as the door flung open and out came running a little boy and girl. They looked about two. Hay bro where have you been? The boy asked. Picking up your guys oldr sister. MArk said. I felt my face go blank. There face's went blank to. Violet this is TOny and Sam, Mark said. I turned and ran feeling tears go down my face. HOw could they just move on? I heard MArk call my name. I ran until I Was far enough and shifted into my tiger. o one knew I was a tiger shifter because I was the last one of my kind. I roared in pain when a russet wolf came out. BLake. I thought knowing he wouldn't hear me because he kicked me out of the pack and the connecting had been separated. He looked started to see a tiger. I growled at him and he just turned and started walking but I leaped at him and landed on his back. He tried throwing me off but I biot down on his neck hard and he fell to the ground. I got off of him and ran until I was in front of the pack's house to see my old best friend Macy talking to Keith. MAcy was actually the only one who knew about me. I looked at her and she looked at me. VOh my god. YOur back! MAcy yelled and ran up to me and threw her arms around my neck. Who's back? KEith asked. MY best friend. MAcy said. A tiger? Blake asked coming into view. Ah yea. MAcy said not looking at BLake. Blake rolled his eyes. Have you guys seen Viloet? My mom asked walking into view. Yea she arrived an hour ago. MArk said coming into the clearing. Where is she? I thought she would want to coe see us? MY dad asked coming into view. Se got upset and mad when she saw Tony and Sam. MArk said. Why? My mom asked. Mark shrugged. I don't know. He said just as Sam and TOny came into view. What's with the tiger? MY dad asked MAcy. She's my best friend. MAcy said. I thought VIolet was your best friend? Mark asked. Well she was until BLake. Macy muttered. BLake rolled his eyes. I growled at him. He took a step back. That tiger hates me she attacked me. He said. GOod. Macy said. What did I do to her? Blake asked. A lot. MAcy said standing up. I nodded in agreement and went behind tree's and shifted human and got dressed and came back out. I ignored everyone and went into the pack house. I walked to the bathroom since I had the perfect idea. I had a bag with me full of prank things. I dumped Blake's shampoo and put hot pink dye in it and pt it back. then I walked to the beta's room and changed his shampoo from green colored to purple colored and then I changed all the other guys colors to yellow and the girls from clear or white to grey. Then I trashed there rooms and sroayed spray paint everywhere and ripped up there homework and wrote fake letters saying I te beta have a crush on you Molly the slut or well something like that. I went back downstairs and wrote on the dinning room wall that Blake loves sluts. Then I walked out the door and into the woods and shifted. I woke up to hear screaming. I Shifted and went inside and pack hosue to see everyone screaming and looking at there hair and boys and girls flirting and them yelling at each other and kids crying. The beta TOm was getting made fun of. Blake was being yelled out by his parents because I wrote a letter to them on how he rejected his mate after he promised them he wouldn't. Mom, dad please let me explain. Viloet isn't good enough to be a luna. She isn't strong enough. I never even seen her shift and nither has anyone else. She is so weak she can't even fend for herself. BLake said and IF elt my heart brake. Then my tiger got mad. LEt's show him how strong we are. MY inner tiger Stripes said. Ok. I said and got on all fours and roared so loudly that everything stepped and everyone stopped to look at me. YOu b@$tard! I'm not strong enough! I'm not good enough! Well met me tell you thi sbud. I'm not a wolf hsifter. I'm the last of my kind. A tiger shifter. SO all of you cn go suck your balls and I did all of this. I said and smirked and shifted into ym tiger hearing gasp and ran out the door. Then a minute later I heard paw stepes and knew tey were chasing after me. I got to the edge of the territory when some sone tackled me. I felt the sparks so I knew it was Blake. We fell and since it was a hill we rolled down it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2014 ⏰

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