You are brave Hugo Arthur Weasley

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So before I start I should explain. Each chapter will be a one-shot between an Uncle, as in Harry, Ron, George, Bill ect...and one, maybe two as in this case, of their nieces and nephews.  Hopefully I’ll end up with one one-shot for each uncle with each of their nieces and nephews but you never know. I’m not sure myself where this is going, so guess we’ll just have to wait and see J They will be in no particular order. Hope you enjoy! Thank you so much to DramionePerfected who will doubtlessly beta 90% of what you will read here and AquaBubblez for being a great sister. 


Title:                                      You are brave Hugo Arthur Weasley

Uncle:  Harry

Next gen kid(s): Hugo and Rose 

Other: None

Summary: Hugo will never be as brave as his parents. He has come to accept that. But after a trip to a muggle newsagent with his sister Rose and Uncle Harry, he has to admit it hurts. Will he ever understand that being scared of things doesn't mean you're not brave?


The bell at the top of the Newsagent's door tinkled softly as Rose pushed it open, her uncle and brother behind her. Harry let go of her hand so he could hold the door open for Hugo who was hanging behind, still caught up in the hustle and bustle of the Muggle Street behind them. Harry chuckled at his nephew's obvious fascination with the Muggle world.

Both Rose and Hugo were very familiar with the Muggle world, even more so than his own children, who visited his cousin Dudley, much to their annoyance, every Christmas. And yet despite their constant visits to their mother's parent's house and their frequent outings into 'Muggle Land', as Hugo called it, both Rose and Hugo still found the area strange and somewhat, even with the lack of magic, enchanting.

It was something that Harry failed to understand, but he supposed he couldn't as he had grown up in this world, and not very happily at that. Whereas his nephew and niece had grown up in the Wizarding world and at times the Muggle one, he supposed, would seem a bit foreign. The novelty however had seemed to have worn off a bit on Rose, who wandered idly over to the card section.

His own kids weren't as enthusiastic either. In fact James said he found it rather boring, but then again after spending so much time in the WWW joke shop anywhere else was bound to seem dull in comparison. Albus still held a slight fascination for the world but then again he had a captivation towards the world in general so it was hard to tell. Lily simply loved being in a shop with sweets in no matter where she was. But Hugo...he was in love with the Muggle world.

Hugo finally looked inside and blushed upon noticing that his uncle was waiting for him with the door open. He stood in the small entrance and gazed around the shop wondering what to look at first. He caught glimpse of the sweet section in the corner and made to go and inspect it but just then, he noticed a bright red stuffed dragon sitting all alone in the dusty window display.

He stared at the cuddly looking forlornly out the dirty window. He tried to go over to it, but before he could take a single step his stomach gave a huge rumble- startling him. He glanced back over to where the enticing sweets were, thinking of how hungry he was, but he couldn't move. Guilt griped him, freezing him in place. He shot the unwanted dragon a look, and its big brown button eyes seemed to stare back at him beseechingly.

They call me Uncle. (A Harry Potter one-shot collection)Where stories live. Discover now