The Flight

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                                       ~Anastasia’s POV~

There are those moments in everyone’s life where your life will change completely based on the choice you make in that split second. That decision can be the scariest decision or it could be the easiest, but no matter what happens you never know what is on the other side.

*beep beep beep* The awful alarm was going off for what seemed like the 100th time. I am not a morning person at all. I rolled over to turn it off when I noticed the time and jumped straight out of bed.

“O SHIT! I am gonna miss my flight!”

I have an hour to get to my flight. I decide to wear something simple since it is going to be a long flight. I slip on my jeans and skater shoes, put my hair in a ponytail and grab a tank. I make sure to grab my sweater and my purse as I rush out the door pulling my suitcase behind me. I guess I was right to make sure that all my chargers and devices were packed last night before I went to bed. The good thing is that I only live 15 minutes from the airport. I was lucky that I didn’t miss the bus. As I took a seat I pulled out my iPod and my beats. I was not going to be in a good mood, I needed my coffee but hopefully this would help out. Mapei’s Don’t Wait started playing and I was content sitting there waiting for the bus.

            I made it through the check points and security in 30 minutes which had to be a record and ran to my terminal….that is when I realized that I was a good 45 minutes before my flight would start boarding.

“Dammit” I mumbled under my breath

I had not realized that I was supposed to set my clocks back last night so I was in a hurry this morning for nothing. UGH Sometimes I really hate daylight savings time. Well looks like I have time to get me some coffee. Thankfully there was a Starbucks in the airport. I ordered a Vanilla Latte and went to wait for them to start boarding my flight.

            As I waited I pulled out my phone to tell my family I was getting on the flight and that I would let them know when I landed. After that I opened up Tumblr and started to scroll through. That just annoyed me more because nothing wanted to load.

“Flight 394 is now boarding” I heard over the loud speaker.

I put my phone in my pocket and went to board the flight. Everything was going really well I had my carry on with me and found my aisle. I was not the first person there. There was a man sitting near the window. I knew there were others to board so I sat in the seat directly next to him. He didn’t even turn his head. I got out my phone and turned it off because I knew they would ask.

“Well hello there.” I heard a rather loud voice say, there was something about the voice that I recognized.  I turned my head to see Tyler Oakley looking right at me. Or I thought that he was looking at me that was until I heard another voice behind me, one that I never in all my dreams thought that I would ever hear.

~Connor’s POV~

This has to be the longest day I have had and it has only been 3 hours since I drug myself out of bed. Here I sit on my flight to go to Orlando. I was supposed to meet up with Tyler and Troye before boarding but they were running late so I boarded and took my seat. Next thing I know there is this lady sitting next to me but I am in no mood to talk to people and she seems to not know who I am thankfully. I keep looking out the window waiting for Tyler and Troye to show up, I really hope they don’t miss the flight. That would be very bad. Just as I have decided to get my phone out to call them

“Well Hello There” I turn my head to see the back of the ladies head as she is looking at Tyler.

“Hey there Tyler, I thought you were going to miss the flight.” She takes a minute lowering her head realizing that he wasn’t talking to her, and then I could see her physically stiffen as she slowly turned her head.

Coincidence or Fate? (A Connor Franta Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now