Monstercat 009- Reunion

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"Dude, what are you doing in there?! We need that table!"

"Hold on hold on!" Monstercat snapped back. He had been told earlier that the table was needed for later on that day. However, he didn't actually care, so he used it anyways, and the artists went ahead and let him. He stared down at his work. He had designed a small figure of himself that was capable of standing on its own. The bottom had been flattened out so that it would be able to slide across smooth surfaces. He also had a war room stick that he planned on using once everything was in place. A large map lay underneath both objects. Hastily, Monstercat rolled up the map and placed it at the end of the table, along with the figure and the stick.

Apparently, as he had been told, it was Thanksgiving. Now, he had heard of the holiday before during his time living on the streets. He had also heard that the holiday was of American tradition, which was strange since they were in Canada. He didn't really understand why exactly they were doing all this, but he was told that there would be tons of food, which sealed the deal for him.

"Mcat," Fij said as he walked into the room, "could you help us with the meal preparations?"

"Wait wha- ..."

"You said you would help us. Remember? Promised us yesterday y'know."

"Grrr why do I even agree to things like this!?"

Monstercat plopped down on the floor in protest. Fij laughed and grabbed hold of Monstercat's arm and dragged the cat into the kitchen. Stephen and Varien were already there. They had gotten started on preparations earlier in the day.

"Hey guys! I got the cat!" Fij exclaimed. He looked down at Monstercat, who was still sitting on the floor, swishing his tail violently in annoyance. "He's going to be helping us today, isn't he?"

"I've got skid marks on my butt thanks to you."

"Hey, you did that to yourself. If you hadn't been sitting you never would have gotten those."

The two artists laughed. Monstercat slowly got up and walked over to Varien. In front of him was the turkey. That giant turkey.

"Oh no you don't," Varien exclaimed, swiftly shoving Monstercat's hands off the counter. "That's for later." Monstercat glared at him and emitted a low growl in protest, drooling slightly, but didn't do any more than that.


"Are we done yet, because I want to sit down! My feet are killing me."

Monstercat leaned against the kitchen counter and stared up at Fij, who returned his stare.

"Oh, for crying out loud, go grab a chair," Fij said, finally defeated. Monstercat had been complaining for a solid 20 minutes. It started out as occasional whining, but eventually evolved into just flat-out complaining. "We're almost done in here anyways, so you may as well just consider your work in here as done. If you could go set the table that would be great. Then you can sit your backend in a seat for as long as you'd like." Monstercat was very relieved to hear this and made his way to the dining room, grabbing the plates, napkins, and silverware on his way out.

As he was placing everything on the wood table, a familiar smell floated back over to him. That turkey again. Monstercat's ears stood upright and he froze. He glanced back at the kitchen, where he could hear the artists laughing. A thought occurred to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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