Chapter 14 - The unexpected surprise

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Aria's POV

I started to vomit. Chase came into the bathroom and held my hair back while rubbing my back. I washed my teeth and face afterward.

"Are you better?" he asked worriedly. I nodded.

He wrapped his arm around me and led me towards the bedroom. I sat down on the bed; Chase sat next to me.

"Put on your clothes. We are going to the doctor."

"No. It's just the flu." He nodded. "I need to get ready. I will be late to class."

"Don't go; you need to rest," he said. "I won't go to the holding. I'll look after you." He was worried about me.

I stroked his cheek and said, "No, I'm fine; don't worry." He kissed my hand.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower. After taking a shower, I got dressed while Chase took a shower.

We went to the kitchen. I couldn't eat anything. The smell of the food made me sick again. I only had a glass of orange juice and stood up. I walked away from the table and drank it.

Chase dropped me off at the university and went to the company afterward.

I wasn't feeling well again; I wanted to vomit. After class, Chloe and I went to the cafeteria. Chloe smiled while looking at me. When I wanted to turn around, someone hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek. I smelled my favourite scent.

 I smelled my favourite scent

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"Chase? What are you doing here?" I asked him.

He pulled back. He was still bending down next to me, wrapping his arm around me.

"I was worried about you. Are you alright?"

"Yes, I am. I told you not to worry."

He kissed my lips and sat on the chair next to me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him. I placed my head on his shoulder.

"What happened, Aria?" Chloe asked worriedly.

"Just the flu. But I'm better now."

"Alright. Get better soon, my dear."

I got up in the morning by nausea again. After vomiting, I washed my face. I looked at myself in the mirror. I placed my hand on my stomach. Could I be pregnant? No, it was impossible; we had used condoms. But when we were together for the first time, we didn't.

"No, no!"

I rushed to my room. I looked at the date; I was late. I thought it was because of stress when I didn't get it last month.

Last month I was stressed with everything that happened between Chase and me and this week, I was busy with my classes. I hadn't paid attention to it. But I had to find out.

I got ready and went to the university. I stopped by a pharmacy on the way and bought a pregnancy test.

I couldn't concentrate in class. If I was pregnant, how would Chase react? What if he didn't want it?

He told me there wouldn't be anything serious between us before we started our relationship. Our relationship was beautiful. But he hasn't said that he loves me.

"Aria?" Chloe shook my arm lightly.

"U-uh. Yeah?"

"Are you alright?" she asked.


Suddenly, the wave of nausea hit me. I ran to the restroom while covering my mouth.

I didn't feel well today. I hadn't eaten. The smell of the food made me nauseous.

Chloe had followed me to the bathroom. "Don't worry; I am here," Chloe said. After I threw up, I washed my face. "Let's go to the doctor."

"No, I'm going home to rest. If I don't feel better later, I'll go to the doctor."

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Yeah." We grabbed our bags. I went home.

My parents weren't home, giving me the time to take a test without them interrupting.

I grabbed a pregnancy test and went to the bathroom. I took it and picked it up. I went to my room and sat on the bed. I put the test on the nightstand and waited for the time to be up.

Finally, the waiting was over. I breathed deeply. I took the test with my shaking hand and looked at it. There were two lines.

Positive; I'm pregnant. I placed my hand on my stomach. My eyes filled with tears. I didn't know what to think. I was happy we were going to have a baby. But on the other hand, I didn't know how Chase would react. I was afraid he wouldn't want the baby.

My phone rang. I grabbed the phone and looked at the screen; it was Chase.

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