Chapter 2

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Your probably wondering what the envelope said. But not even I know. You’re probably going crazy and screaming because I haven’t told you, truth is every time I see the letter I get this weird horrible feeling in my stomach. And let me tell you it isn’t from guilt, nor the schools lunch or well that’s what I hope. Why have I at least not opened it you’re asking it’s because, well I lost it. There I said it. Calm down. Don’t get alarmed or that’s what I keep telling myself. It should be in my room yeah unless... Riley has token it and thinks he can get away with it. Who's Riley? Well Riley just the most awesome and adorable and innocent puppy in this world.

Ohh shit. Its 7:28 I'm late for school damn. I missed the bus. And im to lazy too walk so that means I get to stay home and sle-

I was interrupted by my mom bursting in threw the door asking, "Why the hell are you still doing in here. You know what I don't care get up. Change. Then meet me down stairs. something tells me you missed your bus."

Right when i was going too give a nasty comeback i hear her yell "And fast, unless of course you feel like walking."

As soon as those words left her mouth i rushed into my closet getting my brown puse, glittery flats and the randomest dress i could find. Well that was a total lie i couldnt find a single dress i felt like wearing so i just choose my newest dress I bought with my 2 best friends. Lesly and Lizbeth. Your probably wondering, if they know my moms a prostetute and that I’m soon to become one myself? The answer is no and I’m planning on keeping it that way. I'm not really worried about lesly findin out because she isnt one to judge or really look into the details but the one that worries me the most iis lizbeth because her dad might have been one of my moms customers and maybe also one one the biggest causes of her parents getting divorced.

You’re probably saying in your head if they are really your friend’s they’ll accept every single bit of you no matter how bad or good it is. But I’ve wanted to tell them but right when I’m about to I get nervous and start fidgeting around. And in the end I can’t do it and chicken out. I really don't want to lose Lizbeth.

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