Have you ever felt pain deep
Your heart no longer beats
Emotions are not there
A shadow takes your soul
Look in the mirror, not there
Heal this pain not felt
Nothing left real
Love so strong, carry on
Given to your child from birth
Keeping her safe, she sleeps
Have you ever felt pain, going away
From the love of a child
Keep her safe from your embrace
Empty inside as you go
Hoping love will keep her whole
Have you ever felt pain deep
Knowing she is loved much
Was the only way
I could leave her touch
Precious smile, melted heart
She screamed with a tickle
As her dog jumped in the middle
Bright Autumn days spent at the farm
Tiny feet ran with her charm
As her laughter carried me along
Have you ever felt pain
A good Mom would
She was my miracle, I waited so long
Seven years before she came
Was I selfish, wanting her strong
Have you ever felt pain, betrayed
Dr.''s were wrong, had no shame
To late to feel the pain
The drugs and ECT, knew not my name
Lives broken, no words spoken
I know she felt the pain
A heart, never the same
Her wisdom beyond years
I continue to fight this torture
Until there are no more tears
Will I ever be the same
Have you felt the pain
Have You Ever Felt The Pain
PoesieThis is a poem about the pain of leaving your child. Hoping it is the most unselfish act but broken without her. I could never have done this without legal drugs and ECT. I was completely without feelings or emotions.