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Hey, so I'm Skailer. What can I say? I've never written a diary before.

I guess this is the story of my summer. I don't really know yet...

It all started about a month ago when my parents dropped me off at my distant grandparent's house. Distant. I barely know them but my parents trust them so I guess it's fine.

I was in the car when we arrived at a small cottage in the middle of pretty much nowhere. A bit weird, I know but it seemed like a good idea... at the time.

I got out of the car. My grandparents came running out of their humble abode.

"Oh my hat!" My Gran shouts.

She might as well have knocked me to the ground when she hugged me. She's surprisingly fast for an eighty-year-old. My grandfather hobbles onto the pavement of the dusty dirt road.

"My darling," he says in his frail voice.

I hug him to be polite, considering the fact I don't know him.

Soon my parents leave and I'm left alone with my grandparents. I walk into their cottage. It's a lot bigger than I thought it would be. I guess the rest of the house was hidden by the deep green leaves of the dark oak trees.

I put my bags in the corner of my box sized room. It only fits a small bed and one cupboard on the other side of the bed.

"Geez, such a big house but tiny rooms?" I say under my breath.

We arrived at around six in the afternoon so I had dinner, showered and went to bed. Not that I could actually sleep. I tossed and turned the whole night until I eventually gave up on the idea of getting a good night's sleep.

All I could here over the sound of my gran snoring was the sound of metal being hit and wood clanking onto the ground.

What could this be? I'm in the middle of know where in a huge house with my grandparents? What could possibly be making this noise?

I eventually drift off into a deep sleep at around midnight and wake up early in the morning to the sound of the old kettle echoeing from the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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