The City of Love

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You tuck a lock of your (H/C) hair behind your ear as you step out of the faded yellow Taxi, swinging your backpack over your shoulder as you did so. Once you were out on the sidewalk, you pull out some cash and hand it to the driver, paying him for his service.

The driver gives you a grateful smile before thanking you, "Mercí mademoiselle, good luck today!"

You smile back at him as he drives off and you turn around with a sigh, facing your new school:

Collège Françoise Dupont.

You and your parents had lived in America until recently, when your father's business had been relocated to Paris. You had wanted to stay in America, but your father had insisted you at least finish your Senior year before you moved back.

So here you were.

As you were walking through the halls, you searched for your class with no luck. The halls were swarming with students, each calm and chattering away happily. Unlike the students at your old school, who were always yelling and in a rush. You enjoyed this new change and sighed when you remembered your old home.

Suddenly, you felt yourself crash into somebody and you fell backwards, landing on the floor with a loud thump. Books spilled out of your bag, along with your camera, all over the floor around you.

You gasped and immediately started picking things up as quickly as you could, stuffing them back into your (F/C) backpack, your face bright red. It was only your first day, and you had already managed to make a fool out of yourself.

Just great.

You reached out towards your camera and another hand landed on yours, having attempted to help grab your camera. Your hand retracted back instantly and you looked at the stranger.

It was a boy.

And a cute one too.

You wanted to die of embarrassment.

He had tan skin with cute brown hair, covered by a red hat, along with chocolate brown eyes, and a pair of orange and grey headphones around his neck. The boy wore a blue t-shirt with an eye on it, jeans and red and white sneakers.

He smiled warmly at you and you smile awkwardly back at him while internally screaming.


You heard the boy clear his throat and you turned to look at him again as he held out your camera to you. You quickly grab it and your shy exterior fades instantly, vanishing entirely from the face of the Earth."Oh, thanks!" You tell him, a bright smile now on your face.

You could've sworn you saw him blush but it quickly fades and he simply shrugs it off. "No problem. Hey, are you new here? My name is Nino."

You nod, replying to him with a short, "(Y/N)." You zip up your bag before standing up and swinging it over your shoulder once more.

"Thanks again," you tell him before walking away, resuming your search for your classroom. Nino smiled after you, a faint blush on his cheeks.


After what feels like years, you finally find your first class. "AHA!" You shriek, kicking the door open. "I FINALLY FOUND IT!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2017 ⏰

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