Zanvis - The Only Way

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Laurance's POV

I hugged my dad, and he hugged me back.  "I love you daddy!" I say, and he hugs me back.  "I love you too, Little Laurance!" He says, and puts me in a narwhal onesie.  I smile, and lift up my arms, and he picks me up.  Mommy comes into the room, and kisses my head, and kisses daddy.  "Hey my sweet Meif'wa! What do you want for dinner?" Mommy Travis says, and takes me from Daddy Zane.  "Macaroni!" I say, and he laughs.  "What do you want babe?" Mommy Travis asks Daddy Zane.  "I'll take some pork roast! Maybe some macaroni with that." Daddy Zane says, and Mommy Travis nods, and puts me down.  Daddy Zane turns on SpongeRoss (ROSSSSSS!!!!), and puts me on his lap.  I laugh as Polly the starfish gets hit on the head.  "Dinner!" Mommy Travis calls from the kitchen.  (ONCE AGAIN THEY ARE AT A HOTEL! THEY LEFT, BECAUSE OF BABY LAURANCE, DANTE, AND KATELYN!) I smile, and jump up from my dad's lap and run into the kitchen. 

Travis' POV

Laurance grabs my legs, and hugs them.  I pick him up, and put him on his highchair that we recently bought him.  I put the macaroni, and meat in front of him, and he immediately frowns.  "....I'm going back to the orphanage after this....right?" He says, and I frown, and so does Zane.  "No Little are going to stay with us!" I say, and he smiles.  Zane sets the table, and as he walks by with the plates I smack his ass, and he laughs.  "Not in front of him!" He says, and I laugh as well.  "Mommy! Don't hit daddy's booty!" Laurance says, and throws a piece of macaroni at me.  "Wait...who's your mommy?" I ask him, and he points at me.  Zane laughs, and kisses his forehead.  "Yet, you are the one calling me daddy at night..." I mumble, and Zane hears it, and I smirk.  We begin to eat our food, and Laurance starts to cough.  Zane notices and stares at me and Laurance back and forth with worried looks.  "Laurance are you okay sweetie?" Zane says, and puts his hand on his high chair.  "No *cough* I'm okay *cough cough* Daddy...I just have..*cough cough* amstha!" He says, mispronouncing asthma. "I have an inhaler!" Zane says, and gets up and rushes to the hotel bedroom.  He comes back, and puts the inhaler on Laurance's lips, and presses the button.  Laurance sucks in, and Zane stops.  "Better now?" He asks him, and Laurance nods.  "Feeling tired buddy?" I ask him, as his head falls onto his plate again, and he wakes up again.  "No's...just that *yawn* I want a..." He trails off, and falls asleep again, this time staying asleep.  "I'll take him to bed babe, and we can watch a movie!" I say, and pick him up.  I put him on my waist, and walk him to the extra bedroom.  I lay him down, and cover him up.  I kiss his forehead, and walk back into the kitchen, and I see Zane putting something in my drink.  I walk back out, and act like I just got there.  "Hey baby! He's sound asleep!"I say, and smile.  He laughs, and walks up behind me.  He wraps his arms around my waist, and lays his head on my shoulder.  "I'm a bit...happy he is...." He says, and I pull him off of me, and go sit down.  "Let's finish dinner, after all I took a while to make it!" I say, and take a bite out of the roast, and eat the rest of my meal, without drinking my tea.  "Baby! I ate the food you made me, and you aren't drinking the tea I made you!" He says, and pretends to pout.  I laugh, and take a drink out of the tea.  I taste the pill, and I knew he gave me a Viagra.  He smirks, and I act confused.  He gets up, and so do I.  We walk to the couch, and I sit down.  He sits on my lap.  "Aroused are we?" I say, and he laughs.  He turns around facing me, and kisses me.  I kiss back, and he slides his hand up my shirt.

Laurance's Dream World

Laurance walks towards the 21 year old Garroth.  "Hey fwiend!" Laurance says,in a baby voice, and Garroth waves.  "Hey friend!" Garroth says, and hugs him.  "Garroth gives Laurance a pocky, and says, "Let's play the pocky game!" Laurance nods, and puts the pocky in his mouth.  Garroth puts the other end in his mouth, and they begin eating it.  Garroth reaches the end first, and is followed by Laurance.  Garroth kisses Laurance, and Laurance kisses back.  They both part, and swallow the sweet chocolate, and begin to kiss again.  Garroth is pulled away from him.  " sweet little demon! What are you doing kissing him?" A voice says, and Laurance looks up.  "Gene....I..." Laurance searches for his words (on google).  "My sweet are supposed to kiss me! Hold Garroth!Zenix and Sasha! I'll make my Demon happy!" Gene says, and picks Laurance up, by the back of his collar in his shirt.  Laurance balls up, by lifting his legs up to his arms, and curling his arms up.  "Gene....don't hurt me..." Laurance whimpers, and Gene places him on the ground by a tree.  "Sit on my lap sweetheart....." Gene says patting his lap.  Laurance does as he says, and Gene wraps his arms around him, making sure he can't move.  Gene licks the back of his neck, and Laurance stiffens up.  "Relax baby....Your Shadow Knight in darkened armor is going to make you feel amazing..." Gene says, and Laurance stays stiffened up.  Gene slips off his shirt, revealing a six pack.  "Strip down sweetie....I want you to show your beautiful body!" Gene says, and Laurance nods slowly.  He takes off his shirt, and Gene unbuckles his own belt.  Laurance slowly unbuttons his pants, and sits down on his knees.  Gene takes his pants off, and then his boxers.  "I said to strip all the way babe.....I guess I can...." Gene says, and picks up Laurance, and takes off his boxers, and Laurance looks away, ashamed.  Gene smirks, and lays Laurance down on his stomach.  "Gene...please.....don't....." Laurance says, and gets on his hands and knees.  " are dating me, and you kissed Garroth....this is your punishment, so accept it!" Gene growls, and Laurance whimpers.  Gene turns Laurance around, and sticks his member in his face.  "If you don't want that, then you have to please me in some way!" Gene says, and Laurance slowly starts to lick his member, by licking the tip a bit.  "Come on Laur.....I know you can do better than that." Gene growls, and Laurance looks down.  "Gene....I'm sorry...but please, I'm not ready for sex......please don't." Laurance pleads, and Gene laughs. "Baby....I'm not going to hurt you...." Gene says soothing Laurance a bit.  Laurance whimpers again, and starts to lick his member again.  Gene gets angered by this, and pushes Laurance's head on his member, forcing him to suck it.  "Mmph..." Laurance grunts.  Laurance slowly bobs his head back and forth, causing Gene to moan.  Gene throws his head back, and sits down.  Gene spreads his leg, and Laurance repositions himself, as Gene is leaning against a tree, his legs spread open, and on the ground.  Laurance sits in front of Gene, and continues sucking slowly.  "Go a bit faster babe.....I won't go as hard on you, if you go faster. I won't do it if you make me cum, but it takes a lot to make me cum..." Gene says, and Laurance is determined.  Laurance bobs his head up and down faster. Gene moans louder and louder. "You seem to not want me to please you huh babe?" Gene says, and Laurance pulls his cock (member got old! lel) out of his mouth, pumping it while he talks. "Gene I said I'm not ready for sex...please understand that! I do love you, it's just..." Laurance trails off, and continues to suck Gene. "Babe...I will go slow, and you can tell me if you want me to pull out, but this is your punishment for kissing Garroth! You will let me do this, and if you don't like it you can continue to do what you're doing now." Gene says, and Laurance hesitates before nodding. "Want to ride?" Gene suggests, and Laurance takes the offer. Gene gently pulls Laurance on his lap, Laurance facing him. "Let me know when to pull out babe! I love you, and don't want to hurt you." Gene says, and puts the top of his member in Laurance. "*heavy and fast breathing* G-gene!" Laurance screams out. Gene continues to go in, until all of his 10 inches is inside of him. Laurance on the break of tears. "It hurts doesn't it?" Gene says, and Laurance says,"It hurts, but it feels nice as well..." Laurance moans when Gene moves his leg. Gene lifts Laurance up, by his hips, and slowly slams him back down. "G-gene...oh Irene..." Laurance moans, and Gene kisses him, calming him down. (By the way I just watched Christopher Escalante's stream on Twitch! He did a baby Ein voice and I cried it was so adorable!! Go check that out!!! I will try to leave link!)

Travis' POV

"*Crying sound*...Daaadddyy!!!! Mommmmmyy!!!!" I hear Laurance call from his bedroom. Zane and I quickly rush to his bedroom, and see a crying Laurance. "What's wrong sweetheart?" Zane asks him, and Laurance hugs him. "I-i.....I h-had a....b-bad d-dream...*sniff*." Laurance says, and cries louder. Zane picks him up, and I sit down, pulling them both into my lap. I rock them back and forth. "What was the dream about sweet Kitten?" I ask him, and he cries even louder. "I-it was a-about a man.....h-he p-put something i-inside of m-me....." He says, and grabs Zane's shirt and gets tears all over it. "Zane....I think he's talking about s-e-x..." I spell it out, not wanting to say it in front of him. "I think so too.......did he put it inside of your-" Zane cringes, and finishes his sentence, "butt?" Laurance nods. "What did he put in you?" I ask, and Laurance looks away. " aren't in trouble...we just want to know....we promise we won't be mad! We need to know, so we can help you!" Zane says, and I hold them both tighter. "H-he put h-his.....his.....privates inside of m-meeeEEEE!" Laurance says, and says it louder at the end. We both gasped, and Zane fell on the ground. "Zane! ZANE!? ZANE? Are you okay! Babe!" I yell out.


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