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I couldn't breathe. I wasnt able to breathe,  but I didn't care. I just wanted my Angels.

How dare she! How dare she take my kids? Why!?

She couldn't have, she has no motive, no reason to.

I was so lost, I didn't even realise Roman was by my side.

I looked to see him with glossy eyes. I saw my reflection in his eyes, my face tear stained and my nose red.

He was calling someone.

"Nick, tell Amerigo and Santos, Angelina that fucking maid took the babies. Try to find her. Find out all her activities from now!" He shouts.

I sob scared for my kids. I wanted them in my arms. Teo crying and Aly tugging at my hair. I wanted all of that. She took them.

'She took them.' I kept repeating, I couldn't believe what was happening.

Is this a dream, a nightmare?

I felt myself being taken. Roman, he was taking me to the car. I didn't want to get in. I wanted to find my babies.

"No!No!" I say crying into his arms. No... I cant- it can't be true.

"Rose I will find them, I promise." He says. I nod believing him he was a man of his word and for no second will I doubt him.

I was scared, so scared. How did this day turn so bad in a matter of minutes. Why? Why did she do this?

I have been nothing but good to her. I was confused, terrified, exhausted and dizzy.

The scenery outside was blurry. Everything was blurry. My hands were blurry. Roman was blurry.

I felt a sharp pain hit my head. Suddenly I couldn't feel anymore.

"Rose!" I heard before I let my eyes close.


I looked at Rose her eyes shut and the trails of old tears on her cheek. I wiped away a stray tear rolling down my cheek.

I wanted to kill Angelina. To torture her in the most painful ways possible. How dare she take my kids!

Before I kill her she will regret messing with me. I'll make sure she dies feeling sorry for whoever crosses me.

The first thing I need to do is find Aly and Teo.



When I next woke up I was in the medical room,in the west wing of the house. A doctor came in, she was a petite redhead with striking blue eyes and a sweet smile.

"Hi Rosa, I'm glad your awake. I'll call Roman in, the reason why you fainted is because your were stressed. Your blood pressure was quite high so we need to control that. I'm sorry that you lost your kids but I'm sure Sir knight will find them." She says reassuringly.

It all came back. Angelina taking the kids. She took the kids.

I can't help but fidget and start to freak out.

"Rosalina please calm down I will call Roman. " She says trying to calm me down.

"No i-" I begin.

Then he comes in. His eyes bloodshot bags hanging underneath. He wore a black top and grey sweatpants on. Hair messy yet he still looked handsome.

"Rose it's okay." He says soothingly instantly making me calm. He caresses my cheeks and kisses my forehead.

"You've been out for a week. Let's get you some food" He says calm, too calm.

He carries me and we make our way to the kitchen. He sits me down on the counter, my legs dangling while he was making me coffee.

Eyeing him suspiciously he looks at me and smiles.

"Where are they, and dont sweet talk me?" I say my voice strong.

"I ha- haven't found them but we are tracking her " he says his voice breaking. 

All my strength goes down the drain I sob my tears never ending.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He says.

I shake my head " It--its not--yo-your faul--fault. I- should--have never tt-rus-ted her." I stutter out, my voice faltering lower with every word.

He wipes my tears away and hands me coffee. I drink it, chugging the much needed caffeine.

"She was last seen at The Plaza Hotel. She checked in with her credit card. She's so fucking stupid." he says his voice raising in anger.

I froze. She was hundreds of thousands miles away. She was in New York with my babies. New,York!

I heard glass shatter against the floor and looked down to see the remains of my coffee spread on the marble and my hand shaking. The glass was broken,the pieces resembling my broken heart all scattered over the floor.

I could feel his eyes on me. I felt the pity, ha I smelt it.

I will find her and when I do I'd make sure she'd regret taking my babies.

Getting off the counter I made my way upstairs. Entering my room I pack my suitcase. Going into the adjounted room I go through his draws and I smile seeing it.

The Revolver shone deadly. It almost looked beautiful-dangerously beautiful. I also got a twisted blade and clamps.

Satisfied with my weapons I go to my jewelry box and get the ring. Lifting it  I see the fine white powder sitting on the base.

Packing all the weapons in the suitcase I put the ring on the bedside draw. I lay out my outfit, a black blouse with grey jeans and killer black heels.

Stripping out of the oversized shirt I run the water. Scrubbing my body I rinse myself and start to wash my hair. Getting out I head to the room drying myself and moisturising my skin.

Putting my clothes on I towel dry my hair leaving them in its natural form. I coat my lips with red and wear my shoes. I slide the ring onto my middle finger and spray some perfume.

I make my way to the foye my suitcase rolling behind.

He looked at me with shock. I smiled at him. I'm staying strong for Aly and Teo.

"Get ready we're going to New York."


Hey! I've been so stressed with exams and essays and basically life. Haha. But I can't tell you enough how much I  appreciate you guys. The fact that you take the time to read my book is so sweet and makes me smile. It makes my heart lighter knowing that you actually want to read my shitty grammar. Sadly autocorrect is not on my side as well.

I hope you liked this chapter. I love this dark Rosalina. She will surprise you next chapter because she with turn so dark you'll forget the sweet,clumsy cute Rose.

This book is almost finished. Aaaah. It feeld weird to know I've finished two books. Damn but my third book is being released hopefully on the 3rd-5th of May.

Not edited.

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"Sometimes what you feel isn't what you want to feel." 🌹

Until next time...

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