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act one ━━ TWO
. · 。゚୧ ⋆. ALWAYS AND FOREVER . ₊˚.༄
let's go see how my granddaughter is, shall we?

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      AFTER LUNA HAD A CATCH UP BREAKFAST WITH HER BROTHER and Stiles, they had left to school leaving her to get ready for her check-up appointment with the doctor. With the little time she had left before the cab arrived, she decided to make her mother some lunch which only consisted of a sandwich, chips, some cookies, and a bottled water.

A honk from outside had caught her attention, she gripped onto her mother's lunch bag throwing her purse over her shoulder. She quickly locked the door with the spare key her mother had given her before carefully walking down the steps into the cab.

"Beacon Hill Hospital, please." She said making the driver nod as he began to take off towards the hospital. Her eyes scanned around the many forest surrounding the suburban homes, the car passing a familiar diner she used to work at before she was pregnant meaning they were close at the hospital.

Soon enough, the man parked in front of the hospital leaving Luna thank the man and handing the fare for the ride. She proceeded to climb out the car with her things and entered the hospital.

"May I help you?" A nurse from the front had asked making Luna nod. "I'm looking for Melissa McCall."

"I'll get her for you." The woman said making Luna muttered a small thank you as she waited for her mother.

"Sweetheart, you know I could've eaten something from the cafeteria." Luna heard from behind making her turn around to meet the face of her mother's. She let out a small laugh before nodding, "I know but I still wanted to make you something."

"Well that's very thoughtful, thank you." She nodded in reply as Melissa took the lunch from her, helping her down the hall. "Let's see how my granddaughter is, shall we?"

The two made their way towards the maternity section of the hospital.

"The baby's heart rate is perfect." The doctor informed the pregnant woman as she removed the ultrasound transducer. Luna's smile widen locking eyes with her mother who had tears in her eyes. "I knew it, she's a tough one like her mom."

"I can not wait until she's out into this world." Melissa gushed as she removed her hands from mouth before handing her daughter a tissue. She wiped off the gel residue.

"Here's the picture of your baby girl." The doctor grinned handing Luna the picture making her smile widen along with her mother's as her peered over her shoulder. "Thank you."

The pregnant woman was more excited than anything, her baby girl would soon be welcomed into the world surrounded by those who she'll call a family. Father or not, her daughter is going to be raised full of love.

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      AFTER THE APPOINTMENT LUNA HAD TOLD HER MOTHER she was going to the park to get fresh air and enjoy a bit of the scenery she had missed out on. Her mother was okay with it and just wished her to be careful and be home before dark.

The eldest McCall walked on the grass as she walked towards the playground, her lips twitching at the sight of children playing amongst each other along with their laughter following them.

She sat on one of the benches placing a hand over swollen stomach. Her mind always wondered what her life would be as mother she didn't know she would be a mother at young age. Growing up she watched her mother become a married woman to a single mother with a snap of a finger.

Watching her mother struggle with her and Scott, it broke Luna's heart. It's what made her get a job at such a young age in high school so she could help her with the bills and with Scott. And with the way things are heading Luna would soon become a single mother also, she hasn't heard anything from her daughter's father which broke her.

But she couldn't help but think of the good that would come out it. Soon her baby would be in her arms, giggling at the faces her and her brother would make, sleeping in either of their arms, or feeding her bottle as she was being put to her rest. Those things brought a smile onto Luna's lips.

What she didn't know was someone was eyeing her from a far distance with a shock look over his face. Could it be that his lover had returned home? What was she doing back?

He thought she had left to New Orleans, his heart aching at the first time he had heard about her whereabouts, he had seen her climb into the cab while her mother and her brother waved her goodbye. Her brother telling her to bring a souvenir back from New Orleans, bringing tears to his eyes.

As much as it had hurt him to leave her, it had to be done. He was doing it for her own good. He was so lost in thought he didn't realize that he had began to walk towards her making him pause, he tried to turn away but it was too late.

Luna picked herself up from the bench as she felt the growl from her stomach deciding it was best for her to go home so she could finish the rest of the leftover pizza.

As she turned to walk down the concrete path, her heart fell towards the pit of her stomach when she realized who was right in front of her. Her heart began to beat way too fast, the person who had left her without a reason, the one who left without a trace.

A ghost smile covered his lips as he started at the woman in front of him, "Luna."

Keep her eyes focused on his forest green ones, she breathed out the name she hasn't said in over eight months. "Derek."

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𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑  ❨ 𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝘄𝗼𝗹𝗳 ❩.Where stories live. Discover now