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 "Joji, you coming?"

"Yeah, yeah, just give me a minute."

"Whatever you say. Meet you on the field!"

Joji watched as his friends ran off to the field, football helmets and shoulder pads in hand, conversing among each other. He took a moment to breathe deeply; in, out, in, out. He looked up at the sky, taking in the cotton candy, sugar white clouds and the berry blue sky above. He sang to himself, an improvised, melodic tune escaping his lips quietly.

"When you turn around, I lose vision. Got me runnin' deep in the superstition, and I can't believe my fuckin' eyes." He stood for a minute, thinking. "Yeah... that's pretty good." He pulled out a small, pink notebook and pen from his pocket and began to write the lyrics he had just sang. As he began to walk, still etching the lyrics in forced handwriting onto the notepad under his nose, he felt a bump and a splash against his shirt, seeping into his skin. He looked up, seeing a flustered boy around his age, holding an open book and a now empty can of Arizona Tea.

"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't see you, I..." The boy took a deep breath, collecting his thoughts. "Sorry. I wasn't paying attention." Joji stared for a moment, looking into the boy's dull green eyes, hidden behind his slightly askew glasses. He snapped out of his haze and regained his senses, coming back to reality.

"No, it's okay. I wasn't paying attention, either," Joji chuckled, blushing slightly. "Your glasses are, uh..." He looked at the boy, hoping he'd pick up on the hint he was dropping; he didn't. "Here, I'll get it." He reached for the boy's glasses to adjust them, which resulted in a sudden flinching movement. The taller boy looked down, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Sorry that I-"

"It's okay. That was sudden and, well, unnecessary," Joji snickered, finding himself repeating the actions of the boy in front of him. "Well, this was an awkward start. I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Joji." The boy cocked his head a bit. Joji was an odd name, but it seemed to suit him well. "And you are?"

"Oh, me? I'm-"

"Joji, you coming or what?" an athlete called out, motioning for Joji to follow him.

"Yeah, sorry, I'll be right over!" He looked over to the boy, who he still didn't know the name of. "We'll have to catch up again later. Sorry!" Before the boy could even get a word out, Joji was gone. The boy watched Joji run off, catching up to the athlete dressed in blue and white gear. He mumbled to himself, saddened.

"I'm Ian."  

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