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  The world is a cold, and dark place. And isolation can prove to be a horrible faith. For some people, it may be a good, splendid thing, but for people like me, it's just a dark void that fools you also saps out every bit of pitiful humanity you have left. It just seems completely inescapable, that it will continue to leech into you until your inevitable faith. But there is always hope. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, this dark tunnel we call life, and there is always a beautiful, little angel looking after you, suffering for joy with you, hurting for joy with you, and celebrating the good times for joy with you. Remember that. But sometimes all this might not just be enough. And in that case you might need something, or rather someone to pull you out of the darkness. You need a purpose. You need hope. You need serenity. You need a guardian angel. 

  Undoubtedly, there are many people who can utterly be used as a demonstration (with their permission, of course), many have suffered, lost, and have completely given up. There are several people who have been sucked into this dark void of despair and agony and never managed to escape their wrath, and so have lost their lives. This is no laughing matter, if anything, this situation is as serious as it gets. But there are also people who escaped the clutches of the black hole and lived to tell the tale. One example here is a boy named Erin Ardvark. 

  Erin has been through tough times, no doubt about that. Some would even say that his experience has made him stronger, more resistant to rejection and embarrassment, but in utter reality, it has only made him much, much weaker. Knowing the fact that no one supported him through his tough times and hardly anyone will soon enough. But then again, maybe no one is able to help him. Maybe the only person to save him is himself. Or more likely, the infinite depths of his thoughts. Whether that decision could be fiendish or ameliorating. No one knows. Only time will tell.

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