Part 1

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"Im Bella Culvert represent C&B Holdings"
"Oh follow me to the meeting room"
Soft spoken ja tu PA welcome saya. This is my job, saya bukanlah owner company but the owner is my father so saya sebagai tangan kanan my dad. Today meeting my dad can't attend so inila salah satu job saya represent him. Saya mau cari kerja di company lain but dad saya cakap wasting time. Ada company sendiri urusla kan?? Haha actually sengaja dad saya bagi tugas seberat ini, my parents tidak mau saya enjoy saja. Well darah muda kan haha
Saya di meeting room sudah 5minutes lagi start. As usual saya didepan2 sikit haha company kami ada share dalam projek baru yang akan dibincang sekejap lgi ni so im here to hear about the project and bantah apa yg patut kalau okey agree sajala hehe.
Lama betul ni ceo ni company dtg, slalu begini saya yg awal. Staff lain pun ada sdah sini. Saya rasa muda ni ceo dia thats why.
"Sorry im late, i was caught by jammed anyway we can start immediately" tiba2 sy dengar suara masuk kelam kabut. See im right he is young. Jammed lah sangat!
Meeting pun start.
"Well we will discuss about the project in Labuan. So i've made the paperwork. This project will take 3-5 months. A few of our staff will be sent there and also from C&B Holdings our shareholder for this project Mr Culvert.....em"
Ya dia bingung nampak sy di sebelah dia, yala dia lewat kan tadi.
"Excuse me, sorry cause i dont get a chance to tell you well u bit late and rushing. Im Bella Culvert represent C&B Holdings and as Director Manager for this holdings."
"Oh im so sorry bout that, so we have Miss Bella here, so any objection?"
Blg dia sambil tguk saya, he is good looking okayy aihhh ni la saya ni sekejap hilang pokus, pokus bella pokus haha
"I have no objection about our staff i will inform you who will i sent 1 month before the due date"
"Well, it will be on 27 April for you information, so other department you may explain to Miss Bella the whole details"
1 jam stengah jugala ni meeting. Penat juga saya biarpun mendengar ja.
Beginila ni cepat lapar lepas meeting haha i should grab my lunch. Baru saya mau jalan.
"Ehmm Miss Bella?"
Saya pusing its the 'hot ceo' haha dia tiada kasih kenal diri tadi mungkin dia biasa orang kenal sudah sy seriously tdak kanal ar haha.
"Yes?" Sy blg. Control muka lapar haha.
"Would u mind? Join lunch. I thought it was your father comin so i prepared in my office room soryy😅"
Dia senyum. Alaa macam tecair hahah biasa sy jumpa yg tua2 pervert lgi haha emm interesting haha lapar lgi ni iya sajala.
"Oh i dont mind 😊"
"Good. Come 😊"
Aii besenyum2 pula kami hahaha.
"Come in" dia blg.
"Wow you have a nice room"
"I bet your room nicer hehe"
"Haha no la biasa2 ja. Its okey kan sy rasa penat ni ckap formal haha" sy blg ya serius sy penat sbab mau mengatur haha
"Ahaha ya sy pn penat ni haha sy biasa formal sama dad kau so sy pkir kau pun bgtu haha" dia blg.
Astaga haha kenapa nda dri tadi haha.
Sedia sudah makanan di meja guest dia dalam bilik dia. Sedap2 lgitu haha.
"Oh almost forgot im Jayden Jordan"
Dia shakehand sama sy.
"Uuuu JJ 😁" sy blg.
"Hahah ya my lecture pnggl saya bgtu" Jayden blg. Hnm Jayden memg nama2 somboy haha.
" So how old r u? If u dont mind haha" Jayden tanya umur sy aii hahah baikla.
"Hahah im 25 ody"
"Still young im 27 haha ndalama masuk 30" Jayden said dia 27? Emm
"Haha okey lgibh tu u should married or planning to haha"
"Hahah i wish" gantung ni dia jawab i wish? Maksud mau la tapi nd dapat malas la sy mau tanya lagi pun di ofis kalau luar berabis sudah sy tanya hehe. Jayden ni friendly sy pkir sumbung tdi hha.
"Lunch hour mau hbis sdh ni , i gotta go" sy blg mau masuk jam2 sdh tidak sedar bcerita2.
" yaa tdak sedar pula, so we can meet again?" Dia tnya sy lgi haha
"Of course you will meet me often after this haha cause this project is on me" sy blg.
"Oh i see i thought wakil dad kau hrini ja, well thats good idea"
"Why?" I said.
"Senangla sy colaborate sama kau, im getting comfort with u. We should get close after this, sy nd suka bh awkward haha selalu bgtu sebab biasa org tua2 kan" dia blg ni haha yaa saya pun bah.
"Hahah saya pn bgtu bah haha"
Dia bagi sy business card dia.
"Call me" dia blg.
"Why?? Im sory klau ko tdk selesa"
Sy senyum haha salah sngka dia, sy hulur kad sy.
"You call me" hahah main tarik2 pulaa. Suka sy tguk muka dia bingung2 cute haha. Aii kenapa hormon sy ni pelik hari ni haha. Terus sy keluar ofis saya maluu sy nd sangka tindakan sy bgtu haha sebab dia handsome bah ishhhh! Goyah iman sy haha.

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