Chapter 1

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Lucy's POV

"Hey Natsu."

"Oh, hey Luce. What's up?"

"Um actually I need your help with something."

"Yea sure. What is it?"

"Well my rent is due this week and I haven't taken any well paying jobs all month. So I was wondering if we could take a job together?"

"Yea of course Lucy, but Happy won't be with us
because he's on a job with Pantherlily and Carla.

"That's fine I guess it will just be you and I then?"


"Ok. Can you pick the job and we'll meet back here after lunch?"

"Sure Luce. See you then."


"What should I pack?" I ask myself.

Oh I can bring my new whip from the Celestial world, and I'll bring my new outfit that Virgo got me.
I wonder how Happy's job is going? It's gonna be really weird not having him with us. I'm actually getting kinda nervous now. I'm gonna have to sleep in the same room as Natsu.

I mean Natsu is like my best friend but I think of him as more than JUST a best friend and I don't think staying in a room alone with him is a smart idea for me.

But I guess whatever happens, happens.


"Hey Natsu. Are you packed?"

"Yea and I picked us a really good paying job that's in Oshibana."

"Sweet! Um you know we have to take the train right?"

"Oh shit I forgot about that. Where's Wendy? I need her to do that spell so I won't get motion sickness."

"She took a job with Gajeel. She's not here. I'm sorry Natsu."

"Dammit! Ok well lets get this over with."

Natsu's POV

"Thank the Lord the train has stopped."

I jump out of the train and begin to kiss the ground. Thank god we are here. Oh shit I forgot about Lucy. She fell asleep on the train. I walk back on the train and see her sleeping with her head against the cold glass of the window. She looks so beautiful when she sleeps. I almost don't want to wake her up. I could look at her face like this forever. But I guess I have to.

"WAKE UP LUCY!" I say as I shake her.

She immediately wakes up.

"Well good morning sleepyhead." I say to her.

"Are we there yet?" She replys sleepily.

"Yes Luce."

     She looks very sleepy so I decide to carry her off the train so she can sleep more. I got off the train carrying her when I started to realize some weird things that I had never realized before. I look down at her lips and they look so plump and luscious. I just want to touch them. Jeez I guess I never realized how good Lucy's body looks too.

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