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           Gods pov

       I look down at all my children oh how much they've grown all these years since the very first two. Adam and Eve yes I remember them well the ones that ate the fruit from the one tree I asked them not to.

   The ones who gave in to the temptation of the one that used to be an angel lucifer or what my children call him the Devil.

It's is the reason why my children are filled with sin. Where did I go wrong what was it that I made them with to have them betray me in such a way.

  As I look down at my children all of them the whites the blacks the chinese the muslims all. yes some may believe in other gods but that doesn't mean I dont see them as my children. I see many people getting criticized because of what they are or what they believe. Though there is a certain type of person that get criticized the most. Gays.

That is a sore subject to mostly all of my children. It scars my heart seeing and hearing all the awful things that people say about them. They should not be judging these people by what they are.

  I am the only one who can judge my children and I do not find anything wrong with a person being gay. It is a form of love that should be honored just as much as a man and woman's love.

So why do they not see it that way what must I do to show them that its not a sin to be gay. Yeah I hear them saying to them about how being gay is a sin and how being gay means their not my children or they dont love me.

  Who are they to say who is my child and who is not am I not God their lord their superior did I not give them life in the first place how should I fix this.

  I got it if I made the first two as a man and a woman then they see that thats how it always should be. So if I made adam and eve again but as a gay couple instead of a man and woman maybe they will understand that a man with a man is okay.

    I know exactly how they shall look too and instead of adam and eve their names shall be adam and steve yes and they shall show the way.

authors note.

hey yall well this is my new story that im making this dosent mean I wont be continuing with my Larry story though I just wanted to try something new so anyways hope you like it thank loves.


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