Chapter One

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Comment and let me know what you think! I know the start may be a little boring but be patient! There will be a lot to come (:


I woke up from the sound of my alarm. Not wanting to get up I reached my hand over to stop the sound making it blaring around my room. I finally got the strength to open my eyes and get out of my bed. Making my way over to the bathroom, I opened my brother’s door. He was only thirteen and he had the brains of a twenty year old.

Walking right into his room I saw that he had all his text books on the floor. Shaking my head I walk right to his bed and start to shake him, “Aidan, get up dork”. He yawned while kicking off his blankets and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes while he sat up, “Ok..Ok..I’m up”. I smiled down at him before walking out of his bedroom to the bathroom.

 When I looked into the mirror I saw my long brown hair all tangled and make up still on my face that I forgot to wash off before crashing out last night. Not wanting to deal with brushing my hair, I went over to the shower turning it on before stripping down to get washed up.

“Adriana, are you almost down sweetie?” I could hear my mom’s tired voice and I knew that she would have to get in here to get ready to drop Aidan to school and head to work.

 “Yes momma, getting out right now”. I hurried and grabbed my towel, wrapping myself in it before heading out of the bathroom. My mom was waiting outside the door ready for her turn to take a shower. Leaning to one side I kissed my mother good morning on the cheek and rushed into my room.

The weather was pretty shitty out. There were only a few more days of school left and our summer was already starting off with a little too much rain. Opening my closet I decided just to throw on a pair of black skinny jeans and a nice sweater. After getting dressed I dried my hair a little with my towel then put a little moose so that my curls would stay in place instead of the rainy weather getting to it and making it all puffy.

When I got downstairs I had noticed that my dad was still not home and I saw Aidan sitting right where he would be. I put on a fake smile just for him so that he thought nothing was wrong.

“I saved you half of my banana” he smiles handing it over to me. I reached over the table to take it out of his hand smiling bigger at him. Aidan was such a sweetheart and I knew that all the girls in high school would defiantly go for him.

“Thank you! And I think I will be the one driving-“ I got cut off by my mom screaming to us from upstairs from the washroom.

“Adriana, could you please drive your brother to school today I’m run-“. I cut her right back off letting out a little laugh knowing that she would ask me.

 “I’m on it mom” I yelled back at her. I took small bite out of the banana and grinned at my brother “Called it”. He laughed and didn’t stop till he reached the sink to place his plant into it. I followed him to the counter to rush a lunch together for him.

 “Go start the car for me smartie, I’ll be right out”. I threw him my keys and he caught them with no trouble grinning happily. He loved it when I let him do things with my care. Mom and dad didn’t like it too much because they thought that he would do something crazy. But common now, the kid is a genius. I’m surprised his school didn’t let him graduate yet.

Before heading out the door I grabbed my school bag and Aidan’s lunch and scooted right to the car. Aidan was already playing with the radio and didn’t stop till we got to his school.

“I’ll see you later buddy, you’re taking the school bus home right?” I asked him while passing him his lunch bag.

“Righty oh!” he said while putting his lunch into his bag.

Right when I got to school, Victoria was waiting for me at my locker. Victoria has been my best friend for god knows how long but I was kind of surprised that she was at school at all today with her  grandfather just passing away.

“How are you holding up chickie?” I leaned in to give her a hug and right back she hugged me tighter.

“Holding up I guess, but let’s not talk about it”. Victoria wasn’t a person that showed all her emotion. We were very different in ways and that was defiantly one of them.

When we got to our first period class all I could think about was where my dad was and what he was up to. For what he does with his job he tends to travel a lot but it scares me that he hasn’t been calling the house. Mom hasn’t mentioned him once, but I guess that’s because they got into a big agreement before he left. He must be in China or close to somewhere there. I lost my train of thought when Mr. Jones asked me if I was still paying attention. I guess I looked zooned out or something because when I snapped out of it I wasn’t even facing the TV while everyone else was watching Romeo and Juliet.

“Yes sir” I answered him and turning to face the TV.

The bell rang and everyone rushed out of the class as usual. I don’t get why people hate English so much because I actually find it interesting. I couldn’t tell you how many times I have watched Romeo and Juliet. If Mr. Jones had asked me at what part we were at when I was zooned out, I could have probably told him right off the bat.

My other classes went by faster than usual but I wasn’t complaining. I didn’t see Victoria after school so I guessed that she had went home early to be with her family. I took out my cell phone while walking to my locker and not watching where I was walking. I ended up bumping into someone.

“Hey, watch it idiot”. I looked up and saw that it was Braydon Evens turning to face me. His gorgeous short brown hair and blue grayish eyes. I must have been staring at him with a stupid smile on my face because he started to grin and raised an eye brow. Cut it out Adriana he’s a bad boy, a player, a party goer and you’re none of that so he won’t bother going for you. I placed my head on my forehead “Uh, sorry about that”. I rushed past him and before I got too far away from them I heard his posy talking about something but I could get a grip on it. When I got to my locker I grab my jacket, car keys and headed to my car.

I texted Vicy right when I got into my car telling her if she needed anything to call me whenever she needed to. I know I was her best friend but I still didn’t want to get all up in her face or try to hover her when she needed the space and time to heal. I understood that. I put my cell phone back into my book bag, started the car and headed home.

When I got home I saw mom cooking dinner while she was on the phone. I crept around the corner to hear who she was talking to.

“Mhm, I’ll be at the office tomorrow to do the paper work.” She said in a serious tone in her voice. I guess she was getting frustrated with work again.

I ran up the stairs going past Aidan’s room before mine. I looked to see what he was up to and of course he was deep into his text books as usual. It was nothing different. I opened my bedroom door dropping my book bag right beside my desk. I threw on a pair of sweat pants before heading down stairs to help mom with dinner.

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