Chapter Three

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“Look at this top, its actually pretty cute” I looked over to where I heard Vics voice was coming from and saw her holding up a pretty blueish grey crop top with black writing on it saying “Beauty” in the front. “I really like that Vic, you should defiantly get it.” She looked at the top again, putting it in front of her while looking in the mirror right next to her.

“I think you should buy this one Adri. It would look much better on you.” She pretty much threw the top at me and went over to the cashier to pay for her stuff. I looked at the top again, shrugged and decided to go with it.

“Let’s head to the café and get a something to eat, its already pass five and my tummy is starting to talk to me.” I told her arm linking it with mine while picking up my bags and saying thank you to the girl at the cashier.

The line ended up being way to long for Pita Pit. I looked around the Café while Vicy was on her cell phone. “That was my mom, she said hey by the way.” Vicy didn’t look too impressed with the look on her face. “Everything okay?” I took my full attention off the food and looked at my best friend. “Yeah… My mom just wants me to go out for dinner with the family since everyone has been in the own little world.

I understand where Vic was coming from. Her family has been really separated and usually they are always together having a good time. I guess a lot has changed after everything that has happened. “It’s okay girl, I wasn’t really feeling like anything here anyways. Am I taking you home?” I grabbed my bags that I had ended up putting on the floor so I wasn’t hurting my arms more than they were already. I saw Vic facepalm before she answered me

“No, they are going to come pick me up at the front. Apparently they were already on the way here, but you go ahead and go home I know you’re hungry.” Before leaving I hugged Vicy tight “Text me if you need me.” I waved and headed to my car.

I drove up into drive way while turning down my radio when I saw Aidan outside with one of his friends. “Hey dorks” I smiled and waved at them. They waved back at me while I was getting out of the car and grabbing my bags. I guess they were too busy looking at something in the pond that we have in our front yard. When I got to the front door I saw Aiden’s soccer ball, smiling down at it a picked it up with my free hand and threw it hopping it would hit my brother.

“Ouch!” Trying not to laugh I open the door quickly, dropping my bags in the front entrance. *SMASH* hardly jumping out of my own shoes I ran to the kitchen where I had heard something break and now the sounds of my mother crying. She was standing at the sink with the water running and her head down.

“Mom did you cut yourself?” I was actually in shock. This has been the second time I have heard my mother cry. “I-I’m fine...” She was still sobbing. “Let me see the cut-“I was already starting to walk over to her before she turned around and practically yelled “Your Father and I are getting a divorce”.  My hand slapped right onto my mouth. She was lying. She can’t be lying, my mom and I had a connection that not a lot of girls have with their own mother. She never lied to me before. She was telling the truth. I felt tears run down my face and feeling my legs starting to give out. Before falling I placed my free hand on the counter to keep me up. I think I heard my mom sit down but I wasn’t sure. I can’t believe this. Why was this happening. I guess I had said that out load because I heard my mom sob even more.

 I feld my eyes shut tighter while the words ran through my head “Your Father and I are getting a divorce”. Divorce? I still don’t understand. Everything was fine when he was home and now a divorce?

“Adri, I’m so sorry” I could hear the hurt in her voice and I knew she was hurting more then ever, but now she wasn’t the only one hurting. I opened my eyes while more tears streamed down my cheeks. “Why?” was the only thing that came out of my now dyed mouth. From what I saw through my blur eyed tears is her tense up and sit up straight in her hair with her fists clenched. It looked like she wanted to punch something.

“He cheated.” She was back to crying right after she had said. Wait what. My Father cheated on my Mother? I felt anger build up in my body and my hands clenched up into firsts. I was just standing there staring at my Mother. No words were coming out of my mouth. All I could see in my head was my Fathers face that I wanted to hurt so bad.

My Moms eyes were now blood shot from all the crying it looked like she had a hard time speaking before she could finally put the sentence together that she wanted to say. “He’s moving out as soon as possible. You and your brother can-“ She started crying again while trying to speak but I cut her off not even wanting to hear the rest of what she was going to say.

“I’m not going to live with that f*cking cheater.” I heard my mom gasp. I never swear, but the anger that’s in my right now I felt like I was going to say it again. Before I did I ran up the stairs to my room slamming the door behind me. I leaned my back against my door letting my whole body slide down till my knees were tightly pressed against my chest. Breath, just breath.

The thought came back into my mind on how my Father cheated on his family. Not just my Mother. I slapped my hands to my face while more tears screamed down my cheeks onto the palms of my hands. Aidan. What was he going to think about all of this? I know he won’t take any of this well and he will feel like hes being split in to. More thoughts rushed through my head making me sick.

 I jumped to my feet and ran for my washroom. Seeing that my eyes were puffy and red when I looked in the mirror I splashed my face with cold water. Falling right to the toilet my stomach curled and I puked all the sick thoughts out.

I couldn’t breathe and more tears came flowing. I curled up into a ball on the cold washroom floor, holding my knees to my chest while I laid there crying. I don’t remember how long I was laying there before I past out. Just that I was dreaming about being a little girl again and that everything was how it used to be.

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