Do you love me? {G.D}

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Your P.O.V
• 359 words

"I pay our house, the bills and plus I'm working my ass of all day, everyday day. And yet you dont appreciate that?" He yelled, his face was completed red. He ran his hand through his soft brown hair in frustration.

"Well excuse me Mr. but I also pay for our house and the bills. Oh and I also watch our kids, feed them, bath them and I help them with everything. So don't you fucking dare say that I don't do anything in this house."
I was about to lose myself, how does he fucking dare to say that?

"Grayson I can't do this anymore, we keep fighting over stupid things. Last week we were fighting about who's turn to watch the dishes. And there other day was about how messy the house was, when I actually cleaned my whole ass of that day, but you didn't even notice. Instead you were screaming at me and told me I couldn't clean and all shit. Oh and wait what about today? You said that I was cheating on you with Ethan? Really Grayson 6 years of marriage, after loving you and you think that I will go cheat on you with your brother?
Who do you think I am Grayson?"

"You know what? whats's the point of being together when theres no connection between us? Like I barely see you around anymore. What happened to us? If we keep doing this Gray I.....I we gotta go our own ways. Im sorry Gray but I can't do this anymore."

He looked at me with his wide eyes open.

"You don't mean that? Do you?" He said quietly, while tears streaming down on his red cheeks.

To Be Continued...

Helloooo ladies/gentleman another imagine. Wow I wrote to imagines in a day, Im suprised.🤔
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