The Enemy

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Dead people.

That was all that I saw.

The hangings of each body.

My family..dead. Hanging right in front of me, their dead, cold eyes looking at absolutely nothing.

It felt like everything was lost.

"Ahh, what a sight." A man approached in front of me, blocking my view of my dead family. He wore full on black clothes and to top it off, he wore a top hat. He placed his hands on my shoulder. A sudden cold feeling appeared that sent shivers down my spine.

"Maybe you should be next to be hanged. You've caused a lot of trouble now in our society. However, killing your family? Is that enough for a consequence for all your troubles?"

Cold sweat appeared from my forehead as I took a look at this mysterious man. The thing which captured me the most, was his eyes. Pure evil eyes. They were cold and dark. It had no feelings of remorse. The man grinned at me with an evil look.

"You can run, but you can't hide. I'll find you. Then I'll kill you. It'll be our little game, wouldn't it be fun? If you die, you lose. Only one way to win, survive. This is a consequence which has been added. The game" And with that, the man disappeared.

The view of my dead family came again. I stifled out a cry. Tears were running down my cheek. I had to win this. I had to survive. I had to do it for my family. I clenched my fist together, I was going to kill this man and everyone who killed my family. They couldn't hurt me anymore, not like this. I had no one left to love.


A rush of coldness was splashed in my face as I washed my face with water in the lake. I breathed in the cool air around me, finally feeling some freedom. The forest around me was quiet, the only sound that I could hear was the breeze of the wind against the branches of the trees. This was what I would call calm.

It had been a few days later since I had seen the mysterious man who wanted to kill me. So far, there were no signs of him anywhere. For now, I was safe. For now, I was free. But later, I was in danger of death. Sometimes I would think about how I would die. Would I be hanged? Stabbed? Shot by a gun perhaps? And sometimes I would think of how it would feel when you're about to die. Will it feel like all the happiness and wariness is drained out of the body? I don't know why I would think about death. Perhaps it was because I knew that I was in danger of being killed.

The only thing that I knew about this mysterious man was that he was part of a large group. The worst group, I would say, which had been made a long time ago. They have been known to kill young people who possess a power. These powers could include telekinesis, fire, frost, water or even electric. So far, they have nearly killed all of those young people who possess a power. And when I say nearly, I meant that they've killed absolutely all of them except for..well, me.

The power which I possess is telekinesis. So far, the only thing that I knew from telekinesis, was that I could move things by using my mind. For example, if I look at a table and chant in my mind, 'move', the table would automatically move at my thought. It was quite useless for me. I didn't know how to control it properly. Every time when I tried, it was too weak. I could hardly move a thing. My parents were supposed to teach me how to control it. Both of them possessed the same power as me. It was a gene thing. However, since they were dead, no one could teach me now. I knew no one else who possessed the same power as me. Well, that's because they were all dead.

I quickly dried off my face and walked back to where all my gear was. I had made a pocket knife and a few spear darts for defence. I made sure that my small container was filled with fresh, clean water from the lake before I started to head out and walk around to find some civilisation. The forest had so many small and large trees around. Sometimes my foot would become caught in the vines which snaked all around the ground.

It was all quiet as I walked through the difficult trees and vines.

That was until I heard a small crack sound behind me. I quickly turned around. My heart skipped a beat.

There standing, was the man. He still wore his dark clothes. Still had those piercing, cold, dark eyes.

He took a large bite on his apple which he was eating.

"Well, hello love. We meet again" he smirked.

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