Present Continues

45 9 22

I pushed the blanket off my body, sitting upright. The sweat glistening on my naked torso. I brushed my hair with my hand, feeling its wetness.

I stumbled out of my bed, unknowingly kicking the beer bottle that lay by its side. It rolled across the tilled floor, finally stopping once it hit the wardrobe.

I made my way to the bathroom unsteadily. Pushing the door wide open, I found myself in front of the sink. I lifted my head up to face my own self-consciousness​.
I looked like a mess. A complete disaster. I had dark circles under my baggy eyes, I haven't shaved since ages. My image seemed to stare back at me with pity. What was I doing to myself?

Five fucking years, and yet I wasn't able to move past that night. There was a big hollow part in my chest, and it pains just as much as it did that night. It's hurts so much when you realize that you loved someone, only after losing them.

I want Avni, I need her. I hate her for leaving. I hate her for not being with me when I need her. But, I couldn't even blame her for it. It was all my fault. I shouldn't have left her, I should have been with her. I shouldn't have let anyone touch her. If only I could get a second chance.

I washed my face with the cold water of the tap. I lifted my face again to face the mirror. I could see Avni staring back at me, the look when she came out of her house. The expression of fear, anxiety and relief. Her touch when she hugged me. I remember each and every part of that night.

I unconsciously seemed to wander back to that night, as Avni's face occupied my mind.


My car swirled round in front of Avni's house hitting a tree and coming to a complete halt. I got out of the car hurriedly, stumbling over myself. As I approached the door, I saw Naina and Karan running towards the house.

"Where is Avni?" Naina panted questioning me.

Karan rushed to the door without waiting for an answer. I rushed behind him as well. Just as we reached the door step, Avni stumbled out.
She rushed to my arms as soon as she saw me.

"It's okay, Avni. I am here. We are here. You are safe, dear. You are safe." I stroked her hair. I removed my hand, when she hissed in pain, to see my palm covered in blood.

"Oh no! Avni you are bleeding. You need to go to the hospital." I panicked, dragging her to my car.

"" she mumbled. "You need to get those two. They are injured. Hand them to the police."

"Yes. Yes. We will, Avni. But you need to leave now." Naina approached her.
"You can't go to the hospital now. You need to leave this place. They will come after you again. There are more people. They are supposed to come after you, if those two fail." Naina explained.

"But I can't leave. I not a coward." Avni muttered holding her head.

"I know, Avni. But its just for a few weeks, or months, just until and unless everything settles down. We will bring you back ourselves. For now, you really need to be safe. Please Avni, please. I beg you. Listen to us for once." Naina begged, joining her hands, crying.

"Okay. Okay, Naina. Please please don't do this. I will leave." Avni mumbled, hugging Naina.

"Thanks. Okay. Karan is going to drive you to this place, it's our family farm house and has top security. You will stay there for sometime. We will come visit you, now and then." Naina smiled assuring.
"Here. Take this key, and here is the address." Naina handed Avni a bunch of keys, and a piece of paper.

"Let's leave Avni. We can't take our car. We got a troll car for you. Their partners doesn't seem to be out here yet. We need to leave before they arrive." Karan stated, as he made his way to the parking lot.

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